Subject: [4/4] Apps that steal your bank info

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If you have an Android phone, beware of the “Joker” virus.

It’s an app that is attached to harmless looking apps…

But slowly drains money out of your bank account!

Belgian police released a list of Android apps that were confirmed to silently steal your cash.

In my opinion, they forgot to list one app.


The Most Dangerous App of All

No, this is not a lame email saying that Facebook is a waste of time and therefore “you are losing money.”

I mean to say that of all the ways that I’ve seen studios fail at creating marketing, Facebook is right at the top.

Yes - some studios have gotten a great result.

But - for most studios - Facebook ads have been like a virus sucking money right out of their bank account.

There is a proper way to do Facebook ads, and I’m going to show you how right now.

How to Use Facebook to Get Students

I’ve written extensively about how to use Facebook or Instagram correctly, but I’m going to add to that knowledge base with today’s email.

Here’s your short crash course!

Whether you are running ads or posting organically, it’s smart to think about what will grab people’s attention.

Simply “announcing” that you teach voice lessons or offer preschool music classes isn’t going to cut it.

That might have worked a decade ago - but everyone and their grandfather is on Facebook now. You have to cut through the noise.

I know I say it often, but you have to actually create a compelling offer - some sort of deal that will appeal to the kind of client that you want to attract.

I.e., the simple thing here would be to just offer some sort of massive discount, but that might attract the wrong kind of client.

The ideal post then would contain the following elements:

1. Calls out your ideal customer.

Start your post with:

“Hey! Moms of 6 - 9 year olds!”


“Did you quit piano when you were a kid?”


“Did you know that your 3 year old could learn to play a steady rhythm in less than 15 minutes?”

This instantly grabs attention.

And - it also allows you to use the most powerful advertising technique of all... story.

What I'm saying is the ideal post...

2. Leads naturally into a story

Stories sell. There’s no doubt about this.

If you start your post out with a compelling headline or story, you are much more likely to get the kind of engagement that leads to someone becoming a customer.

Use stories from inside your studio.

Use stories from your journey as a musician.

Or, find something interesting in the news and connect it to what your business does (like I did in this email).

3. Makes your program feel unique

In a world where 90% of studios just offer “guitar lessons”... you can stand out by giving your program a unique name.

Or, by citing measurable results you’ve seen in your students.

Or, by posting videos and pictures of your student’s performances.

Yes - it’s fairly intuitive that you should post videos and pictures… but when you combine that with the other elements I’ve mentioned here, it takes your posts to the next level.

4. Calls Your Ideal Client to Action

Don’t forget to include a call to action.

What kind of call to action?

Link them to your site.

Give your email and phone number.

Ask them to PM you.

If you’re running an ad, use a Facebook Lead Ad or Messenger Ad… encouraging them to reach out directly.

Many studies have shown that posts that contain a “call to action” actually receive more leads than posts that do not.

Again - it’s obvious to some - but for most studios, they need this reminder.

By the way...

This is why I am dedicating the month of August and September to helping you with your studio marketing …

This is the best time of year to enroll new students.

One or two really good posts can raise your studio’s visibility.

It can cause people to reach out to your studio.

But, a string of great posts or social ads can double or triple your studio’s enrollment in a short period of time (like this teacher from Philadelphia).

I want to help you get to success as quickly as possible.

Stay tuned for further videos, emails, and marketing resources throughout the month of August and September.

And - early next month - if you want to dive really deep with me, you’ll have the opportunity to take my studio marketing system and “install” it in your studio.

Speaking of calls to action..

If you’d like to continue receiving marketing resources from us in September, just click the button below.

If you click, you will continue receiving free resource emails at the beginning of September.

If you do not, you won’t hear from us that much more after this week.

Yes! I Need More Students!

Have a great day!

Very best,


PS> Do you have a studio growth or teaching question you'd like me to answer on video? Reply to this email... I read everything I receive!
