Subject: [4 DAYS LEFT] Every Child Gets a Trophy These Days

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Now, on to today’s thought...

What is it about “participation” trophies that bother us so much?

The unearned praise?

The entitlement it can create?

Is there a deeper fear that modern parenting is creating children that can’t commit to anything… thus, jeopardizing a career like music instruction which requires years of faithful practice?

Whatever it is… one thing is clear:

It’s ludicrous to give someone an award for something they didn’t earn.

Offensive Plot Twist

Now, I want to pose to you a sensitive (potentially offensive) question.

What is it that every music studio owner wants?

What is valuable to a studio owner?

Spend 5 minutes in any music studio Facebook group and you’ll quickly figure it out:
  • Parents that pay on time
  • Parents that respect you
  • Parents that trust in your expertise and studio programs
  • Parents that support your lesson program by encouraging their children to practice
  • Parents that are loyal and patronize your studio for years
Here’s the truth.

These are our trophies.

We don’t “deserve” these things. We aren’t entitled to these things.

These things are earned.

How do you earn them?

Here is a short list:
  • Confident, non-anxious leadership
  • Absolutely stellar marketing
Why marketing?

Marketing is communicating the value of your studio and its programs in a way that parents can understand.

Earning loyalty, respect, and support come when you create noteworthy products and show their value in a way that parents understand.

Parents will become your most excited supporters when they see their child and other children succeeding.

Good marketing will help them see that.

This is why I created Studio Marketing Masterclass.

In the Masterclass, I share:
  • A copy/paste outreach system for reaching families in your local area
  • My communication formula for focusing parents on just how valuable your studio is
  • My 26 point checklist for creating powerful digital marketing that will bring you a steady stream of paying students
If you’d like to get this help, click the button below. I’ll analyze your studio’s current results and goals and create a custom game plan for you.

If you’d like to start the Studio Marketing Masterclass for free, you can watch this video:

Only a few days left until the January Masterclass begins… if you want to start the New Year right, just click the link above and we can work on it together.

Very best,

PS> There are more emails coming to you in the next week… including a complete description of the Masterclass tomorrow.

The class begins in January… but you can sign up now!

If you want to join, click the “Free Strategy Session” button to do so. Or just email me back.

DPMS, LLC, 7915 S Emerson Avenue, Suite 163, Indianapolis, IN 46237, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.