Subject: [2/4] Are you aging prematurely because of your studio?

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Today is day 2 of me sending you one studio growth lesson per day.

Over the next few weeks, I’m going to give you a complete studio growth plan… and today’s topic is about two strategies to get more students.

I’ll start by saying that while I don’t want to be a Negative Nelly, but…

I really don’t like it when people use FEAR to motivate people in their marketing.

I’ve noticed another studio growth company using COVID as a fear tactic for promoting their program.

I think it’s possible to just speak the truth plain and simple… without resorting to fear tactics.


I do have to respond to what people are telling me.

And what most people are telling me is that...

They Are Concerned, Perplexed, and Nervous About the Workload of Running Their Studio!!!!



Professional development.


Customer communication.

Writing student evaluations.

Bill collection.

And on top of all that…

Marketing, growing, and promoting your teaching business.

Years ago, I studied many different studio growth techniques and found the best ones to use in two different categories:

  • Short-term strategies

  • Long-term strategies

One of my main criteria was that they be an efficient use of my time!!!!

As I mentioned yesterday, you must start with a great foundation. That’s what makes your entire studio growth system work!


Once your foundation is in place, you can begin to generate students using short-term strategies for your studio.

Grow Your Music Studio teaches two dozen “short-term” strategies that studios can use to enroll students. 

These are step-by-step organic strategies in the following domains:

  • Social media marketing

  • Video marketing

  • Referral marketing

  • Direct outreach marketing

I have written about these at length in our free Facebook guide (you can download it here if you haven’t already).

Whether you use our strategies or you have a few tricks up your own sleeve…

You will find that many free marketing strategies WILL NOT WORK until your foundations are set!

However, to get the most bang for your buck, you should consider...

Long-Term Strategies

What are long-term strategies?

These are “heavy duty” marketing strategies that:

  • Take more time to set up

  • Are typically more challenging to learn and master

  • (Sometimes) are ad-based or require ongoing spend

  • Have some sort of automation that makes it hands off or allows you to leverage money to get students

More about that last point…

With the short-term “organic” strategies… you are typically trading your time for exposure.

For example, you plan out a series of posts in local Facebook groups that includes a link back to your website or landing page.

Your pictures and videos are good. Your offer is good. Your copy is good. Your response and conversion rate is good.


You can’t just keep posting the same thing over and over. You have to create fresh posts every single week or month to post in these groups.

Whereas… with a long-term automated strategy using Google Ads… you could create 1 ad and let it run for years without changing it. (I personally made nearly $800,000 dollars in tuition money with just 9 Google ads that I wrote).

Sounds great, right?

Well there is a catch… setting up Google Ads, tweaking it, optimizing it, and succeeding with it is far more complex / difficult than getting attention on social media with some well-placed posts.

Other long-term strategies include:

  • Investing in SEO (don’t do this yourself, trust me)

  • Investing in Facebook ads (do Google Ads first)

  • Hiring an agency or marketing manager to run your studio marketing (double and triple check or just get a referral from someone you trust)

To conclude….

I don’t recommend that people jump straight to long-term strategies… I recommend that they test their messaging and offer first using short-term strategies.

All of this might seem confusing, but...

This is why I am dedicating the rest of the month of August to sending you daily studio growth lessons!

When I tried to figure out how to get more students, I had some of the information I needed to succeed.

But, I didn’t have all of it!

It was like trying to complete a puzzle with missing pieces.

I want to give you those pieces that you are missing, so...

Stay tuned for a piece of the puzzle each day.

We’ll minimize your work… so you don’t have to spend hours and hours each week doing work that you don’t want to do when all you want to do is teach music!!!!!!

And - early next month - if you want to dive really deep with me, you’ll have the opportunity to take my studio marketing system and “install” it in your studio.

If you’d like these resources … as well as more information about using my studio marketing system…

Just click the button below to signal your interest.

If you do, you will receive emails throughout the month of August.

If you do not, you won’t hear from us that much more after this week.

Yes! I’d like to learn more about studio growth!

Have a great day!



PS> Do you have a studio growth or teaching question you’d like me to answer on video? Reply to this email… I read everything that I receive!
