Subject: 2021: Most important skill to develop

I love collecting quotes.

Quotes about business, life, health… they are really helpful to me.

They help me to organize my thinking.

They help me focus on the right things.

I have a file with HUNDREDS of quotes in them. I’ve actually thought about just writing 1 email a day in 2021 about each of these quotes (would you like that? Let me know)

The quote I think about the most is by my favorite modern thinker: Naval Ravikant (pronounced: nuh-vahl Ra-vee-kont).

Seriously, go check out this guy’s podcast

The quote?

“In an age of infinite leverage… judgment is the most important skill."

Everyone with a computer, tablet, or smartphone has access to a full library of marketing and communication tools.

You have access to infinite wisdom, information, and data.

This makes each person powerful… with a caveat.

If you focus on the wrong things, you can waste this opportunity. You can mis-use this power.

It’s scary.

And that’s why Naval is 100% right.

Every morning, we wake up with the opportunity to make the decisions that will make all the difference to our lives and our business.

But do we have the judgment or wisdom to make the right decisions?!?!?

My Top 3 Choices

As I look back on my own career, I can identify several choices that helped my studio thrive.

Choices that (in the long run) made me very happy and satisfied with my career.

These “Big 3” choices were:

  1. Learning how to market effectively and persuasively

  2. Choosing to invest heavily into myself (i.e., working with coaches and buying training programs)

  3. Starting a group lesson program

I made lots of other decisions along the way…

  • Where I got my degree

  • What professional organizations I belonged to

  • What policies to set in my studio

  • What method books to use in my studio

  • Where to live and where to start my studio

But, none of those had the impact that the “Big 3” had on my career.

It made all the difference.

This is why I created Successful Group Lessons...

...And the other programs that I’ve created about marketing and scaling your studio business.

I love to share things with people (it’s why I write these emails to you!).

For over 250 studios that made group lessons part of THEIR journey...

I was happy to train them with our in-depth video program and teaching resources.

In over 20 hours of video training, we show you:

  • How to set up an online or in-person group

  • How to get top tier results with your students (some teachers have said that it helped them improve as a teacher overall)

  • How to market the program to parents

  • How to 2x or 3x your hourly rate with group lessons

  • How to teach group with hours and hours of observation videos

  • How to convert all or part of your studio to group in less than 30 days

Joining this program has DOUBLED the leverage of our alumni.

Not only did they begin to use this powerful and effective teaching format...

They didn't waste any time reinventing the wheel. They efficiently learned the skill and the format in this training.

Registration for the “holiday” class of SGL opens on December 26th (mark your calendar!)

If you’d like all of the details, plus some additional training videos next week… simply click the button below:

Yes! I’d like to be included in next week!

You will be directed to my blog + included on the special invite list next week.

If you don’t click, you won’t receive any more information after this week.

Have a great day!

Very best,
