Subject: [2019] How to Get Everything Done

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This is the next email in a series of emails that I’m going to be sending out about setting and achieving your business goals in 2019.

To begin with, I want to say that I have been flooded with responses to the survey I sent out last week. Here’s just a small sampling of the HUNDREDS of answers that have been sent in:

I have used these answers to come up with a series of emails and videos that I will be creating over the next week or so…. And ultimately, to influence the free webinar that will be held on December 28th (time: TBA).

As I read through all these survey answers, I saw certain questions come up over and over again… and today, I want to answer one of those questions.

I’m paraphrasing here (and summarizing many questions that were similar to this), but the question is:

“What system do you use to keep track of everything / get everything done that needs to be done?”

I’m going to go into this in more depth in the webinar on the 28th, but I have some initial thoughts::

#1 I have tried many organization systems over the years. While I’ve been most influenced by David Allen’s Getting Things Done system… I will tell you that I have never found a perfect system. I have taken bits and pieces of various systems and made them work for me.

Designing a “productivity” system for your life is very much like interpreting a piece of music… there’s no right or wrong way. Interpreting a piece of music is up to the taste and style and abilities of the performer.

Over time, I found what I liked and what worked for me.

#2 A simple, imperfect system is better than a perfect, complex system (and please refer to point #1 about perfect systems).

I have found that the more simple I kept things the more productive and organized I have been.

The more I cut from the process, the better off I was (I’ll demonstrate that right here in point #3…)

#3 I intend to get into this in much more depth on the webinar, but I have 4 stages to my planning:

A. I set goals for the year
B. I look at those goals and decide what I need to be working on for the next 90 days
C. Each week I look at my 90-day goals and decide I should be working on for the week
D. Every evening I spend less than 5 minutes planning my next day

This is a very simple system. I create my goals, and I break the goals down into steps by focusing on ONLY WHAT I CAN GET DONE TODAY!

What that means is...

I am never confused about what I should be working on at any given moment.

And, I never have to think about whether or not what I’m working on is the most important thing I could be doing.

All of that thinking and planning was done FAR IN ADVANCE.

This is going to be the topic of a video I’m going to create and send to you tomorrow.

Look forward to sharing with you over the coming week!

Very best,

PS> Would you like to get a question answered? Or to register for the free webinar?

Do so by clicking here:

I want to get productive in 2019!

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