Subject: [2 DAYS LEFT] Lazy Marketing Plan

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You are receiving this email because you specifically signed up to learn more about Studio Marketing Masterclass.

For the past month, I’ve sent you a link that allowed you to begin the Masterclass for free. In that video, I gave you the “behind the scenes” look… how I generate 200+ requests for lessons each year on an extremely small and tight budget. 

This strategy has been the engine behind the success of dozens and dozens and dozens of studios that have gone through the Masterclass.

There’s a common misconception when people here that number…

“You must work so hard.”

“Sounds exhausting.”

Or people say…

“I don’t know if I want to do that. I don’t want to have to do marketing all day.”

Au contraire, my friend!

Early in my career I worked HARD at learning marketing and persuasion… And it turned out to be a smart investment of time and money.

But now?

I barely do anything. Some might even describe me as lazy :)

A friend heard me say this once, and he said: “You’re not lazy… you’re just working “smarter”... not harder!”

Whether I’m lazy or smart (you decide), the end result is the same…

My marketing system runs on auto-pilot.

I spend less than 30 minutes per month on marketing my studio. That investment into my own education has paid dividends… as I get 10+ leads every month on a tiny budget.

Here is an average month of leads in my studio (from a little while back).

Keep in mind… this doesn’t count emails, phone calls, landing page submissions, and Facebook messages. These are just form fills through my website.

And, if I ever need more… I just turn up my budget.

For over two years now, I have helped other studios build this same system…

At the beginning of 2020, you will have the opportunity to work with me personally on building that system in your studio.

Click the button below, fill in your details, and I’ll give you a free Strategy Session where we plan out your success for the New Year.

See you tomorrow!


PS> The class begins in January… but you can sign up now!

If you want to join, click the “Free Strategy Session” button to do so. Or just email me back.

DPMS, LLC, 7915 S Emerson Avenue, Suite 163, Indianapolis, IN 46237, United States
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