Subject: [15 DAYS] My Magical Finger

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You are receiving this email because you signed up to receive helpful, educational emails from Grow Your Music Studio. A little later in the email, I'm going to tell you what the "15 day countdown" is about.

But first...

A 1st year student student tells me they don’t know where to place their hand to begin a song.

“I can’t find the position!!!”

I point to the first note on the page and ask them what it is. They tell me.

I point to the finger number above that note and ask them what it is. They tell me.

I ask them to find that letter on the keyboard. They find it.

All of the sudden… they figure it out!!!

My finger is magic.

It’s the only explanation.

The same things happens with my son.

He’s learning to read.

He frequently gets stumped on words, and it frustrates him terribly!

He insists that he can’t figure it out.

I point to the letters and syllables of the word. I ask him to “sound it out.”

He quickly gets it.

My finger is magic.

It’s the only explanation.

Or is it?

Perhaps the student KNEW what to do, but they needed that outside help to FOCUS them.

Perhaps it’s the role of the teacher or coach to point the student to the place where their focus is best used.

Perhaps I’m just living into my role of being helpful by easing the student’s frustration and tension.

Perhaps I’m modeling how to solve a problem for the student… quickly and non-anxiously.

Perhaps I can help the student experience success… without a boring academic lecture.

Simply by pointing their focus.

Or maybe my finger is magic.

I’ll let you decide.

This is why I’ve created Studio Marketing Masterclass.

Every quarter I help DOZENS of studios do the hard work of creating effective marketing.

I point the focus of those studio owners to a few effective methods that WORK.

I help them do this without piling on unnecessary theory about marketing.

I show them the bare minimum they need to succeed… and then walk them through that process.

I let them copy and paste the marketing system that I’ve deployed in my own studio. The marketing system that I have deployed in studio’s that hire me to take over their marketing.

This is my job.

To help make a studio owner successful.

Nothing magical about it.

Fifteen days remain until the January live sessions of Studio Marketing Masterclass.

If you’d like to begin 2020 by getting your marketing in order… I am offering YOU a free strategy session.

Simply click the button below.

I can point you in the right direction.

Very best,

DPMS, LLC, 7915 S Emerson Avenue, Suite 163, Indianapolis, IN 46237, United States
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