Subject: [1/4] Let me help you get students

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Over the next two weeks, I’m going to send you one studio growth lesson per day.

I’ll do this with emails, videos, and resources that I create.

You are going to learn so much about studio growth.

My ultimate goal for you is that you DO NOT have to spend dozens of hours per month marketing your music school or teaching business.

I want to give you a simple, effective plan… and show you how to implement that plan today.

We’re going to start with a simple question today.

Do You Have a Growth Plan for Your Music Studio?

Every studio needs a marketing / growth plan.

But do not worry!

It’s not some stuffy, formal document that you write once and forget about.

You don’t need to go to business school to learn how to write one.

You need a plan of attack… and right now I’m going to give you the overview on how to create your marketing plan.

There are 3 parts to a successful marketing plan:

  • Foundations

  • Short-Term Strategies

  • Long-Term Strategies

We’ll cover foundations today… and the strategies tomorrow.


Every marketing campaign needs to have a “home base.”

What is “home base” for a music studio?

It is a place to send your potential customers. A place that you can capture their information.

For most music schools, this is your website or landing page. It could be a social media page, but I don’t recommend that. It’s more difficult to get their name and contact info on a social media page.

To be successful, you have to get these foundations right, which includes:

  • Setting up your website and social media pages

  • More importantly… You must create a formal “offer” for your website and online presence… this is a written description of your services that goes beyond just information. This written description is written using proven persuasion principles and copywriting frameworks.

  • Getting listed on online directories and Google My Business

  • Optimizing your web presence for conversion by designing a studio “funnel” that introduces your product, excites your customer’s emotions, and shows them how to take the next step.

  • Eliminate all unnecessary information from your online presence.

Please do not get overwhelmed with this list!

Everything I just mentioned is a one-time action that you have to do.

Some of these things I did over a decade ago and have never had to revisit.

And in the meantime, I have had years where I got over 200 requests for lessons on a very tiny budget.

Unfortunately, most studios skip these foundational steps... or do them poorly.

They jump straight into tactics and traffic generation strategies. Or, they just rely on word of mouth.

The result?

Few or no leads each month. Which is a shame… because if they had spent a (relatively) small amount of time working on this part… they would get a lot more leads when they do their marketing.

This is why I am dedicating the rest of the month of August to helping you increase your enrollment …

I am going to walk you through building your studio’s enrollment… step-by-step!

I will leave nothing out… like these foundational steps I just mentioned.

Stay tuned for a piece of the puzzle each day.

And - later this month - if you want to dive really deep with me...

You’ll have the opportunity to take my studio marketing system and “install” it in your studio.

If you’d like these resources … as well as more information about using my studio marketing system…

Just click the button below to signal your interest.

If you do, you will receive emails throughout the month of August.

If you do not, you won’t hear from us that much more after this week.

Yes! I’d like to learn more about studio growth!

Have a great day!



PS> Do you have a studio growth or teaching question you’d like me to answer on video? Reply to this email… I read everything that I receive!
