Subject: how to overcome your fears (practical steps)

Hi, Friend,

Do you sometimes feel that you are sabotaging yourself when there are good opportunities in front of you to change your life and your business?

We all have fears and very often these fears stop us from making the changes that are so important to us: both in our personal life and in our business. It even happens (and it has happened to me personally) that we see certain opportunities with which we can move our business even faster, but we simply do not take advantage of them. The reason? - fear. Fear of making a mistake, fear of losing money, fear of exposing yourself… I can bet you have experienced some of these and perhaps other types of fear as well.

These fears paralyze us to act and really limit us - we play small. These fears prevent us from making important investments in our business: in a new office, in a new employee, in a training or coaching program. These fears prevent us from contacting clients or strategic partners who could bring us more business. These fears stop us from saying “no” when we have to say “no”.

In the new article in my blog I discuss 3 steps that I use when I want to overcome a fear. I am sure you can use these steps for yourself too.

Warm Regards,
P.S. And don’t forget to tell me what you think by commenting below the article on my blog
Likora Ltd., 35, Fridtjof Nansen St., 1142, Sofia, Bulgaria
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