Subject: be everywhere with your marketing

be everywhere with your marketing

October 29th, 2020 at 3:00 pm EEST

Hello, Friend, How many channels do you use to attract clients to your business? Most small business owners typically use one or two main channels to bring new leads to their business. However, when you use only one or two channels, your business res ...

are you selling products or services?

October 15th, 2020 at 3:00 pm EEST

Hi Friend, Today I want to show you how to effectively position your products and services… so that you can attract more clients and sell at higher prices. But let’s start with how most people sell. The classic formula they follow is: connect wit ...

how to overcome these objections

October 1st, 2020 at 3:00 pm EEST

Hi Friend, One of the biggest concerns of sales people and business owners are client objections. Think about it, do you know how to approach when you hear the client say: "The price is too high";"I do not have the money. I can not afford it""I do no ...