Subject: When Your Photos Are Used Without Permission...

Can you relate?

You're scrolling through IG and come across something... familiar.

Or maybe you were tagged by someone who doesn't seem spammy and is not a client.

These are often the ways that you find out that your photo has been used without your permission. And I hate to break it to you, but if you haven't had your copyright infringed upon yet, it's going to happen!

Thankfully, Sarah Linden is back with great advice on how to gracefully, professionally, and firmly handle this. Whether you've had a whole bunch of your photos used or you haven't had a single one used yet, this is one you don't want to miss! Click the button below to read the fresh Field Note!


It's December 😱😱 so I'm going to slow things down a little for a few weeks.

This Pro Tip is about allowing yourself to do just that - slow down.

When we ARE our business, it can be so easy to get caught up in the fears of bringing in enough money, keeping those clients happy, doing enough, being enough, shooting enough! But we can't perform at our best level without some rest.

This week is the perfect time to start unwinding.

Start marking those personal vacation days.

Start closing those calendars.

Start pushing any requests into 2022.

Start turning your focus to everything OUTSIDE of your business.

You've earned it.

As my Pro Tip for today mentioned, things will get a little slower paced from now until after the New Year. You'll receive a newsletter next week, as usual, but that will be the last one for the year. Don't worry, though! I'll be back in your inbox January 11th (yes, it's be on TUESDAYS now!) with fresh content and a whole lot of energy for the year ahead.

Until next week,

Stay safe and be kind,



 Anyone else following this diet?