Subject: What's this about a Webinar???


Next Week!

When I started shooting for interior designers, I had no idea how things worked. I mean, I had my photography business already up and running, but was doing a mixed bag of types of shoots. Shooting for interior designers felt... different.

When it came to pricing my services for interior designers?

Ah, then I REALLY had no idea what I was doing!

So I did what most people do. I took what I was doing for some other type of work, and applied it to the designer shoots.

I mean, that works, right?!

Um, not really. I quickly realized that they had different needs.

That I was taking way longer with these shoots.

That the editing was more detailed than other shoots.

That I like and felt comfortable with certain ways of doing business.

But knowing how to price myself so that both my clients AND I were happy?

Well, that was challenging.

Eventually, I learned more about ways to structure rates, what really needs to be considered when you're looking at possible rates to charge, and what my clients and colleagues were saying.

I know I'm not the only person in the world that had that struggle with pricing myself!

If you're not sure whether you're pricing yourself correctly, join me for a FREE training webinar next week! We'll talk all about the four pillars to consider when pricing yourself, plus my two magical questions I ask to check in with myself anytime I have doubts.

This webinar is happening LIVE on Monday, Nov. 15th at 10am Pacific.

You can join in from your car, your couch, your desk... just be sure to join in!

Sign up at this link:


PS: Oh, and bring your questions! There will be time for Q&A towards the end of the hour, so let's tackle those big questions of yours!

Again that's

 Nov. 15th at 10AM PST

and don't worry...