Subject: What do YOU ask potential clients?

Top questions to cover all your bases with future clients


Don't get caught unprepared

Do you have potential clients hop on a phone call with you before giving them rate info? You should!

I know, I know. Nobody loves the phone. It's way easier to just hit reply to that email, attach a PDF, and call it a day. But you're doing yourself and your client a disservice by doing that.

Get on a phone call
Ask lots of questions
Give lots of info
Give correct quote for their needs + look super professional

Plus, a call is a GREAT way to get a feel for that client's personality, and whether you'll work well together!

Now what?

Great, so I've convinced you to get them on a call.

Now what?

This is a conversation, so be prepared to ask a lot of questions. You want to learn everything you can about your client - their past, their needs, this project, their likes and dislikes...

To help you ask the right questions, I have a new freebie for you! It's a great PDF title "Must-Ask Questions for Potential Interior Photography Clients".

To get your hands on this freebie, just click below and download! Easy peasy.

Grove Retreat Update

Leading this incredible community of strong women and growing this as a business has been a wild ride so far. I can only imagine what's still in store!

It involves juggling SO MUCH and thinking much bigger than I had ever thought.

This year has been one of shifting perspectives and thinking even bigger, and with that comes a lot of re-evaluating our current offerings.

And while I'm a bit heart-broken to announce this, I'm also excited to let you know that

The Grove Retreat has officially been cancelled.

This is absolutely intended to be a "pause" on the retreat. Our hope is to bring it back at a later time, when the community, brand, and business are in a more fitting place to take it on.

Thank you for any sort of support you've shown during this early iteration of it. I hope that you'll be sticking around to see it come back in the future.




Coming up

We're laying a bit low for a few weeks while we regroup and organize our calendars, but there's some fantastic stuff on the horizon!

Upcoming Events:

June 29 - FB Group Monthly Virtual Happy Hour

July 20 - Chicago Grove Social

July 25 - Webinar (topic TBD) w/ Keyanna Bowen

July 27 - FB Group Monthly Virtual Happy Hour

August 3 - Webinar (topic TBD) w/ Katy Chen Mazzara

See our full calendar and get details on the Events Page.

*Grove Socials require RSVP via the website

You along are enough. You have nothing to prove to anybody.

~Maya Angelou

Let's connect