Subject: What a week it's been!


I want to start off this (late) newsletter by thanking all of you that have already purchased the business course. I am so excited to have you dive into all the content on marketing, pricing, workflow, and income streams!

If you haven’t gotten the course yet, the webinar discount code has expired but the course is always available for you on the website.

Speaking of webinar, how fun was that?! I was blown away by how many of you were able to join me live! Thank you so much for making it a great first webinar experience. I truly hope that that hour alone gave you value.

And you probably noticed that this is hitting your inbox on Friday, not Thursday. Well, I’ve been a *little* distracted at PFRE! Yesterday we had the Ladies Panel and Ladies Luncheon, both of which went amazingly! It has been incredible to finally meet so many of you face-to-face, and I hope next year I can meet even more of you in person. Here are two quick photos of the Ladies Panel, which included myself, Tacey Jungmann, Cindy James, Lauren Engel, and Rachel Brenke.

Backstage photo - Photo credit: Katya Quiñónez;

Stage photo - Photo credit: Bobbi Rose

I’ll be in Vegas for the conference through tomorrow morning, so if you’re here and we haven’t talked yet, come grab me and say hello!

Take care and be kind,




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