Subject: What Arch Digest looks for in photos

Surprise webinar!



Meet editors at Architectural Digest!

Join us Wednesday the 16th at 9:00am Pacific time for a chat with TWO of Architectural Digest's visual editors. We'll be chatting it up with Senior Visuals Editor Melissa Maria and Associate Visuals Editor Lizzie Soufleris. These are the editors that work hands-on with photoshoots and photographers to create their ideal final publication.

We'll be doing a casual Q&A chat with them for 30-45 minutes, so join us and get ready to take some notes!

Due to the shorter time for this chat, I'll have some prepared questions to ask them, rather than opening up to attendees. You'll still be able to comment and ask questions in the chat area, and we'll get to them as time allows.

Since our time with these editors is a bit more limited and questions will be pre-selected, hit reply to this email and let me know what questions YOU want to see get answered!

Date: Wednesday, August 16th

Time: 9:00am Pacific time

Duration: 30 to 45 minutes

*Webinars are free for anyone to join live!

Can't join us live?

Premium members have access to our library of recordings. Learn more.

Get Featured!

Keep the submissions coming!

We'll get started with features in September.

We want to feature you!!

Gain new followers, find extra community support, and show off your hard work by being one of our upcoming Friday Features!

Every Friday starting in September, we'll be sharing a different female photographer in the industry.

We would LOVE to share y-o-u!

All levels of experience are welcome - we support you at every stage of your journey.

To get featured:

Submit a complete form at the button link below.

We'll tag you when you get featured.

That's it!

Easy peasy ❤️

Thank you, Chicago!

Thank you for a fun time, Chicago!!

Local hosts Evelina Snell and Natalie Marotta welcomed community members for some in-person time to connect. Great job, ladies!

Upcoming Events:

August 16 - Ask the Editors w/Melissa Maria and Lizzie Soufleris (webinar)

August 31 - FB Group Monthly Virtual Happy Hour

September 12 - Webinar with Kelsey Kurtis (title TBD)

September 28 - FB Group Monthly Virtual Happy Hour

See our full calendar and get details on the Events Page.

*Grove Socials require RSVP via the website

The most alluring thing a woman

can have is confidence.

~ Beyoncé

Let's connect