Subject: Want to work with large brands? You need this.

What is a production crew and how do you build yours?


Ready to work with brands?

Have you ever dreamed of shooting for a home brand? Seeing your work in a large ad, billboard, or even on TV?

These commercial shoots are completely within your reach! But you need to be prepared for the opportunity - how do you quote with line items? Do you bring in an assistant? Two assistants? Who do they expect you to have on location, and do you hire them or does the client?

Increase those chances of being booked when the opportunity arises by learning now about the ins and outs of a production crew. What are the different roles and how does everyone work together? If you're used to being a one-woman crew, how does YOUR role change when it's a team? And how in the world do you get started?? 

Join me in welcoming Bethany Nauert for a casual and intimate discussion about what a production crew consists of and how you can start building your own.

We'll talk about how to start building that team so that when the time comes, you have 'your people' to call on.

Bethany will also cover the different roles in a production crew, what they each do, and how your job shifts for this teamwork.

Bethany has worked with brands such as Amazon, Walmart, Hilton, HGTV, Marriott, Joybird and Brooklinen.

When asked about the upcoming webinar together, Bethany said:

"I'm so happy to co-host this informative webinar with Natalia of the Grove, in hopes to educate and ease the anxiety about working larger commercial sets. Just like anyone approaching the next level of their career, I had a lot of questions about how to build a team and what these roles meant. I hope I can bring some useful insight to you!"

We hope you can join us live to soak in the conversation and ask any questions you may have!

What: Building Your Production Crew - The Who, What, and Why

When: Tuesday, May 16th at 11:00am Pacific time

Where: Online - Register below

*The webinar will be recorded and added to our

Expert Chat Library if you're not able to make it live!

Join our Premium membership to gain access to our Expert Chat Library._

Thank you, Atlanta!

Thanks for a fun night, Atlanta! Strong, new connections were made as this group of women gathered in Atlanta for a night of talking shop and growing their network. Huge thanks to Catrina Maxwell for doing an amazing job organizing and hosting ❤️

Coming up

See you in Oakland!

This month is a special Grove Social because I will get to attend! Come meet me and co-host Alicia Garcia for a Bay Area gathering on May 21st at 11am. We'll meet for a casual brunch on the waterfront in Oakland, while we connect with fellow local photographers, talk business and life, and grow that network!

Click to see the full details and RSVP today!

Upcoming Events:

May 16 - Expert Chat (webinar) w/Bethany Nauert

May 21 - San Francisco/Bay Area Grove Social

May 25 - FB Group Monthly Virtual Happy Hour

See our full calendar and get details on the Events Page.

*Grove Socials require RSVP via the website

Have you seen our line-up for the retreat? It's pretty impressive.

Our latest addition is Amy Bartlam, LA-based interior photographer, as she pulls back the curtain on her business - what's worked, what hasn't, and things she's learned along the way. With nearly 40,000 followers on IG and worldwide publications under her belt, it's bound to be an incredible session!

Check out all the details on the Grove Retreat and register today to secure your spot.

Life is tough, my darling,

but so are you.

~ Stephanie Bennett-Henry

Let's connect