Subject: Use Video to Level Up

Upcoming webinar + event news

Happenings this week

Hot off the presses!

Well, 2023 is definitely throwing some surprises our way! We have some updates for you, so let's dive in.

The Grove Retreat 2023

We have officially rescheduled our Grove Retreat for the Fall!

There are so many things that go into planning an event like this. Trust me, it's a big ol' mess of things to juggle. This time around, several things were just not falling into place. Some of those things were details that could impact the experience of attendees.

And that's just not okay with me.

To give this event the proper time to simmer and come together beautifully, we're now a go for our new dates:

September 21-25, 2023

If you want to get retreat updates before anyone else, be sure to sign on for the interest list.

Thank you, SoCal!

We kicked off 2023 Grove Socials this past weekend in our birthplace of Southern California. What a fun afternoon!

Above is a photo of our group at the fabulous Farmhouse at Roger's Garden in Corona del Mar. The food was fantastic, the atmosphere was dreamy, and the conversation was flowing!

A big thank you to those who were able to make it. We can't wait to have another one later this year!

Our next Grove Social is happening in a few weeks in Plano, Texas! Join Sarah Linden, Grove Ambassador and Interior Photographer based out of Dallas, for a fun evening on Feb. 16th. Find more details through the button below.

Using Video to Level UP

Mark your calendars for what promises to be a value-packed February Expert Chat! This month we'll be talking with Miranda Hayek of Blossom Blue Studios. You may have seen Miranda on our IG Lives before, or as a Grove Retreat expert, or as one of our Grove Mentors... but you've never heard her talk about V-I-D-E-O!

Miranda is a sought-after videographer for businesses small and large in Southern California. She's developed her own unique approach, and has blended her video skills with her marketing mind to offer videos that catapult her clients' brands.

She'll lead a webinar chat as we explore how to start incorporating video into your business - both to strengthen your own brand and that of your clients!

Join us at 12 noon pacific on Feb. 21st to watch live and ask questions!

What: Using Video to Level Up

When: Tuesday, Feb. 21st at 12:00pm (noon) Pacific time

Where: Online - Register below

*The webinar will be recorded and added to our

Expert Chat Library if you're not able to make it live!

Join our Premium membership to gain access to our Expert Chat Library.

Coming up

Giddy-up, Texas!

Our next Grove Social is happening on Feb. 16th in Plano, TX! This Grove Social will be hosted by Sarah Linden, Grove Ambassador and Contributor. Come on out to connect with fellow photographers in your area, talk business and life, and grow that network!

Click to see the full details and RSVP today!

Mark your calendars for these events in February and March!

Below is a list of what we have scheduled in the coming months, both virtual and in-person. For information on any of these events, visit our Community page with the events calendar.

Upcoming Events:

Feb. 16 - Dallas, TX Grove Social

Feb. 17 - FB Group Monthly Virtual Happy Hour

Feb. 21 - Expert Chat (webinar) w/Miranda Hayek - Using Video to Level Up

March 24 - South Florida Grove Social

March 30 - FB Group Monthly Virtual Happy Hour

See our full calendar and get details on the Events Page.

*Grove Socials require RSVP via the website

Champions keep playing until they get it right.

~ Billie Jean King

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