Subject: The next time your client wants "just one quick pic"...

Portraits during an interior shoot + this week's #photobreakdown!


"Just one quick pic"

No doubt you've been on an interior shoot with a designer and have been asked, "Could you get a photo of me? Just one or two real quick?"


It never ends up being real quick, and you find yourself scrambling to shift your photographer mind from interiors to portraits. 


  • How do you pose them?

  • How do you make your client more comfortable?

  • How do you make the best damn portraits you can... on the fly, with no notice, and with no prep?

  • And what if you've never really done portraits at all??


Thankfully, Kelsey Kurtis can help you create brand photos for your client so they'll never want to shoot with anyone else!


Kelsey works with business owners from all industries, experience levels, and awkwardness levels. She's a pro at breaking down those walls and creating an incredible client experience, leading to insane client loyalty! 


Join us on Tuesday, September 12th for a Q&A chat with Kelsey. This is the your chance to get tips and insights to make your next designer portraits experience a memorable one! Kelsey will be sharing her wisdom, so join us to listen in or bring your questions.


This webinar can help you incorporate designer portraits into your offerings. You don't want to miss it!

When: Tuesday, September 12th at 11am Pacific

Topic: Branding Photos - Creating Experiences that Build Client Loyalty

Not able to attend live? No problem!

Recordings are added to our Expert Chat Library,

accessible to Premium members.

Show us your work!

YOU ARE AMAZING! Help us show you off and get you more followers.

We would LOVE to feature you, no matter how far into your journey you are.


Did you start shooting interiors 3 months ago? 
Great! Let us support you with more follows and encouraging feedback so you can keep going!

Have you been shooting interiors for a decade? 
Fantastic! Show us your fave shots from over the years so we can fall in love with your work and give you a bunch of new follows.

Send us your info at the form below and we'll tag you when we feature you.

It's that easy!

I can't wait to show you off ❤️




Our latest #photobreakdown takes us to a cute farmhouse kitchen that is full of industrial touches and soft green views. It was challenging because it's got some turns and corners that make it tough to get light there evenly, so we walk through the layers needed and how they blend.

Take a look at this one close up! You can enlarge the photos, expand the video, pause and rewatch the video...


Upcoming Events:

August 31 - FB Group Monthly Virtual Happy Hour

September 12 - Webinar: Branding Photos w/Kelsey Kurtis

September 28 - FB Group Monthly Virtual Happy Hour

See our full calendar and get details on the Events Page.

*Grove Socials require RSVP via the website

A strong woman knows she has strength enough for the journey, but a woman of strength knows it is in the journey where she will become strong.

~ Anonymous

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