Subject: SEO works. Here's the proof.

Plus, join over 500 photographers in changing our industry!


The SEO tactics that brought in $70k

We've all heard of SEO and how it can help people find us online.

You may have even learned some of the tactics and taken steps to implement!

But has it brought you a $70k photoshoot?

Because that's what happened for Lauren and Arturo Engel recently.

This, along with her extensive background in digital marketing, makes Lauren the perfect person to share SEO tactics that you should be using to draw in clients!

Join us live for a webinar all about SEO for Growth on Thursday, Jan. 18th at 11am Pacific.

Whether you have questions or are just looking for tips to set yourself up for success, sign up to join us!

SEO for Growth w/Lauren Engel

Thursday, January 18th

11am Pacific

Can't join us live? No problem!

All our webinars are recorded + added to our Expert Chat Library,

accessible to Premium Members.

Meet Helynn!

We're back at it with weekly Friday Features!

Did you see our first one of the year? We met Helynn Ospina from San Francisco, and her work is beautiful! Helynn has been doing editorial and commercial photography for 10 years, and clearly she loves to create MOOD in her photos! Click below to check out her IG Friday Feature and see more of her work! Before to drop a supportive comment and give her a follow ❤️

Want to be featured or know a female photographer that should be?

We want to hear from you!

Or email us to let us know who you want to nominate.

It's that simple!

Database update

Holy cow!

As I type this, we have 537 entries in the Industry Rates Database. Wowza!

It's important to keep sharing the link for it with other photographers, since the more entries we have, the stronger the information we can gather for rates.

Sorting the entries

This database will be an ever-evolving thing - we've already gotten some great feedback!

In the meantime, you can sort and filter the entries to find the specific entries that you're looking for.

The best way is to use the "Filter" option and tell it what you'd like to see. (See photo below)

Another option is to "Sort" the info. with this you tell it what field to sort, and in which order. (see photo below)

If you haven't submitted yet, what are you waiting for??

It's free, anonymous, and insightful.

It's the best resource in our industry to gauge where your rates and terms are amongst peers, and can be a huge asset for quoting new projects!


One more thing...

Thank you in advance for participating in this industry-wide resource.

You're not only helping yourself to gain insights,

but you're helping future generations of photographers

find a clearer path to success ❤️

Upcoming Events:

January 18 - Webinar: SEO for Growth w/ Lauren Engel

January 25 - Monthly Virtual Happy Hour

February 13 - Webinar: Copyright Q&A w/David Deal

February 29 - Monthly Virtual Happy Hour

Until next week, be safe and be kind.



You don't have to get it perfect, you just have to get it going.

~ Marie Forleo

Let's connect