Subject: Retreat Update! Even closer access to our experts

Even closer access to our experts!

Hey there and happy Thursday!

Registration for the upcoming retreat is well under way, and we have nearly half the seats sold out. I'm going to keep sending updates your way as things get more and more finalized, and we've got an update for you!

You already received an intro to Bethany Nauert, who will be chatting with our group about working with agencies. Bethany is not only experienced in this and has am amazing roster of clients under her belt, but she'll be spending a whole lot of time with our group. This is because I'm really happy to let you know that Bethany will be spending time on both retreat days hanging out with us! She'll be doing her session, of course, but will also be sticking around for meals, other sessions, and mingling with you. This means you get a chance to talk with Bethany one-on-one and get to know her, ask questions, and REALLY connect with a seasoned photographer!

So yes, you'll be meeting and chatting with a group of experts during this retreat. But I bet you weren't expecting to be hanging out with any of them for two whole days!


Happy Thursday!