Subject: New Masterclass is coming soon - But I need your help!


Can I let you in on a secret?

I've been working on a

NEW Masterclass that's going to be released before the end of the year. It'll be all about the Business of Interior Photography.

We'll be covering all the back-end business stuff that we don't love to deal with (but it's oh-so important!).

I think I have a good grasp on most of the content that it needs to include, but I want to be really sure to cover all the info you need! To make sure I don't miss anything, I'd love to hear all about your business questions.

If you could wave a magic wand and make one business problem disappear, what would it be?

Does your marketing need help? Maybe you just don't know what to say to potential clients?

Do you have all the paperwork you need? Or maybe you just don't know how and when to follow-up with clients after a shoot?

Are you leveraging your photos to bring in more income from licensing? Oh, and how does licensing and copyright even work?!

Send me everything – I wanna hear about all those questions and struggles! Just hit reply to this email to send me a message.


We all know the importance of having your verticals truly vertical in an interior photo. Ideally, you get those lines perfect in camera, but more often than not, they need to be tweaked a little to be just right. Lightroom makes this super easy with the Transform sliders under the Develop module, but are you using the tool well? Here's my process:

After my layers are blended well, I do the Lens Correction, and then move on to fixing those pesky verticals (and if it's a one-point perspective, also the horizontals!)

First, check the box for Constrain Crop

Next, adjust the Rotate slider. Use the center of the photo as your reference – you want to get that center axis perfect vertical. Once it's vertical, you...

Adjust the Vertical slider. Usually, you'll just need a subtle adjustment.

If it's a one-point perspective, you'll then want to adjust the Horizontal slider. Again, this usually just needs a subtle adjustment, so go easy!

Short and sweet for this week!  
As always, stay safe and be kind,


Don't let this 👇👇 be you.

Tell me about your biz troubles!