Subject: Name Your Price!

Details for our FREE "Pricing Yourself with Confidence" Webinar

Will we be meeting?

By now, I hope you've signed up for the upcoming webinar on Monday. If not, there's still time!

We're going to be talking about pricing yourself with confidence for interior photography. Pricing is a

B-I-G topic, but you can absolutely break it down into more bite-sized pieces!

In this free training webinar, we'll be going over the FOUR pillars of what to know so you can price with confidence. Trust me, you'll be walking away with some homework to do!

Not only that, but I want to also share the TWO questions that it all boils down to when you're talking about pricing. These are the two questions that I ask myself anytime I'm tempted to switch to someone else's rate structure, or when someone tells me I charge too much or too little... I stop, take a breath, and ask myself these two simple questions.

And if you've ever attended a webinar of any kind (haven't we all?!), you know there is indeed going to be an offer at the end of it. Don't worry, I won't keep it all a secret until the end!

This free training webinar is to give you a taste of what the upcoming Business of Interior Photography Masterclass has. The new course releases on the SAME DAY as the webinar, and for joining my live you'll get a special 24-hour discount code should you decide to purchase!

So yeah, it's gonna be good. And totally worth it.

Will I see you there?

Just in case you were on the fence before, here's the link to sign up for the training webinar.

Event Details:

When?   LIVE on Monday, Nov. 15th at 10am Pacific time

Where?   On your computer! You'll get a link once you sign up.

How?   Just click on the button below or the link above and then click on the sign up button. You'll be asked to confirm a couple of details so we can get the link to you. That's it! Then you show up, ready to learn and ask questions!

Next week is going to be big.

Not only do we have the Pricing With Confidence training webinar and the Business of Interior Photography Masterclass release, but the PFRE conference is also happening!!

For PFRE, I have two reminders for you:

Reminder #1:

If you still haven't bought your ticket, what are you waiting for?! There are very limited in-person tickets left, both for the conference and the Ladies' Luncheon.

If you can't make it to Las Vegas, but want to get all the good content from the conference, there's still time to get virtual streaming tickets!

The best part is - I have discount codes for you!

For in-person tickets, use code GROVE50 for $50 off your ticket price.

For virtual tickets, use code GROVE25 for $25 off your ticket price.

Here's the link to register for either and get some schedule info:

Ok, reminder #2.

If you're attending in-person or are in the area of Las Vegas, there will be a casual Grove Studio meetup!!

This is a casual hangout so that we can meet each other before the conference officially starts. No RSVP or fee required, just show up and say hello :-)

Event details:

When?  7:00pm on Wednesday, Nov. 17th

Where? We'll meet at the outdoor tequila bar at Baja Miguel's Mexican Restaurant that is within the South Point Resort (where the conference is happening).

Who? This event is open to EVERYONE! Yes, that includes the fellas. Let's all meet and connect, make new friends, and make the best of our time together.

Why? Why not?!

See you there!!


My pro tip this month is to have clarity on why you charge what you charge! You can do this by attending the free training webinar (see what I did there? 😉).

See you Monday!!

You'll hear from me a couple more times between now and next week since there's so much happening, so keep an eye on that inbox!

Until next time, take care and be kind,



How I feel about this upcoming week:


click to find out more!