Subject: Loyal much? Here's why it's hurting your business.

A few recent faves, plus the latest Friday Feature!


I had no idea!

I recently discovered a book (during another online rabbit hole session) and shared it on Instagram because of how impactful it's been.

In case you missed it, here's the post I did about it.

Anyway, the book is called How Women Rise, and I want to share it here too because I just know you'll relate to it as much as I do!

How Women Rise goes into 12 habits that are common amongst women in the workplace, and how those habits are actually holding us back from growing/advancing in our careers. IT IS AN EYE-OPENER.

We won't all relate to all the habits, but I can guarantee there will be a few that feel SOOOOO you.

(Don't let the full title fool you - it's not just for women in the corporate world. What fascinates me so much is that the habits talked about actually directly apply as business owners, too!)

How Women Rise has been added to our Gear page, in the Lifestyle section, because I can't recommend it enough! I'm just about all done with it and have highlighted it like crazy. There is so much goodness that I will be going back to time and time again as I grow my business.

While I'm on this recommendation kick, there's another thing I wanted to share with you.

Last week I had a drive to LA to meet up with some creatives and finally meet The Grove friend Julie Skarwecki in person (yay!) - you can see a peek into that fun lunch in this reel.

The drive back had hellish traffic, which meant lots of time to listen to music or podcasts.

I had recently heard about the podcast Wiser Than Me. It's hosted by Julia Louis Dreyfus and she talks with a different older woman on each episode. I started at the beginning, with episode one - a chat with the incredible Jane Fonda.

OH MY GOSH I loved it! This was another moment when I felt I just had to share it with you.

These conversations are intimate, funny, and very real. It's a refreshing look at the beauty and power of aging as a woman, and it's a beautiful example of women supporting each other on life's journey.

Listen to it, enjoy, and let me know what you think.

You can find the podcast here and it's also been added to our We Recommend page.

Meet Sarah!

Meet Sarah from Chicago!

Sarah prides herself on being as detail-oriented as her designer clients are with their interiors. Personally, what caught my attention about Sarah's work was the serene mood she creates in each photo, with some every have a voyeuristic vibe to them - love! No matter what you find in Sarah's work, I'm sure you'll love it.

Click below to check out Sarah's Friday Feature, leave a like and comment, and then give her a follow to show your support! ❤️

Want to be featured or know a female photographer that should be?

We want to hear from you!

Or email us to let us know who you want to nominate.

It's that simple!

See you next Tuesday!

Next Tuesday, May 21st is our next webinar! We'll be talking again with David Newhoff and Steven Tepp, who are the founders of RightsClick.

This time, they are opening up the floor to you for any questions about copyright law, photo usage, licensing, etc.

This is your chance to ask those pesky legal questions or to get feedback on a sticky client situation!

Why are they perfect for this talk?

Steven Tepp has been an IP lawyer for over 25 years, having held positions in the US Senate Judiciary Committee, a senior counsel at the US Copyright Office, and then chief IP counsel for the US Chamber of Commerce.

David Newhoff has over 10 years of experience being a leading advocate for copyright protection. He's a published book author, leading authority on copyright, and author of over 900 articles pertaining to rights protection for the creative community.

Join us with questions, or just to listen and learn!

Tuesday, May 21st at 10am Pacific

Can't join us live? No problem!

All our webinars are recorded + added to our Expert Chat Library,

accessible to Premium Members.

Upcoming Events:

May 21 - Webinar: Copyright + Usage Q&A w/ RightsClick founders

May 30 - Pitching to Publications (Monthly Virtual Happy Hour)

June TBD - Webinar: Capture and Leverage BTS Content w/ Janet Kwan

June 27 (To be Confirmed) - Quarterly Peer Photo Critique (Monthly Virtual Happy Hour)

Have a great week and be kind,



You educate a man;

you educate a man.

You educate a woman;

you educate a generation.

~ Brigham Young

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