Subject: Leveraging Small Gigs Into Bigger Projects

Mark your calendars!

Happenings this week

IG Live this Wednesday!

Building client relationships and leveraging smaller gigs into bigger projects is a crucial part of growing your business. After all, we don't want to be doing small, lower-paying gigs forever!

This is exactly what Jenny Siegwart, one of our amazing mentors, is brilliant at doing. Jenny has extensive experience working with publications and different businesses, often entering at a lower rate or for smaller scopes. However, Jenny has mastered the art of nurturing these new connections into bigger, more lucrative projects that help her business grow.

Join us this Wednesday at 12:15pm Pacific time on Instagram LIVE when we chat with Jenny about her expertise, her background, and how she's approached projects and client relationships so they become a stepping stone for growth.

To join us, just go to IG on Wednesday at 12:15pm (Pacific) and look for our Live at the top of your screen with the stories. We'll be chatting for about 30 minutes, and we'd love to have your questions or input!

Did you know?

We meet monthly!

Every month we hold a virtual happy hour for our Facebook group members! This is an informal group zoom where we talk life, business, and anything else that comes up! We're discussed licensing, tough client situations, personal recommendations for home products, life/work balance... you name it, it's probably come up.

So mark your calendar for the last Thursday of each month at 4pm (Pacific time)! The zoom link is provided in the Facebook group event listing, and the call is open to all active members in the Facebook group!

*Not in the Facebook group? You're missing out on so much great conversation!

Membership starts at $5 per month and you can learn more at the link below.

Coming up

We are SO EXCITED for our first ever Grove Social!

If you're in the Southern California region, please join us for an in-person gathering on September 24th. We'll meet up at a beautiful location to connect face-to-face, talk shop, talk life, and make new business friends.

Get all the details on the website, and fill out the form to RSVP.

See you there!

Be so good they

can't ignore you.

~ Steve Martin

Let's connect