Subject: Let's talk safety

An open conversation about how safety can be considered for female photographers

Let's talk safety

I recently sat down with Reed Fish of UpMarket podcast, which talks all about the business of real estate photography and media. We started out chatting about The Grove Studio and the upcoming PFRE Conference in November, but then turned to the topic of safety. This is where it gets juicy!

We talked about ways that an employer or contractor can provide support for the safety of their photographers, especially the women. We talked about the challenges in the industry that remain today, and we also touched on why it's actually REALLY beneficial to have a diverse team in your business!

Take a listen to the full episode and be sure to subscribe to the podcast to get the latest episodes as they release.


Did you see last week's Friday Feature? Last week took us to Jacksonville, FL to meet Muriel Silva. Muriel is not only a talented photographer, but also the founder of Stocklane, which provides lifestyle stock photos on a membership. (you know we love those multiple income streams!) Muriel was kind enough to share some of her work with us, and you don't want to miss it!

Big thanks to Muriel for bringing us into her world! If you haven't yet, take a look at Muriel's feature and give her a follow to show support.

See you next week!

Stay safe and be kind,



Tuesday vibes