Subject: Learning From the Past and Looking Forward to What's to Come

Do You Remember Your First Client?

You can create vision boards and practice taking photos of your home and redo your website, but what if that first interior photography client doesn't just appear in your inbox?

I get plenty of messages from people asking about how to get their first paying interior photography client. It got my thinking, how DID that first client come through my door? And more importantly, WHY did that first client find their way to me?

Ultimately, my first interior photography client came to me by personal referral. A woman (videographer) who I met through a professional group knew that I specialized in interiors (because I told her so and had rebranded my website and social feeds). She had just wrapped up doing a marketing video for this interior designer, and mentioned me to the designer as a suggested photographer for her projects. Soon, the designer called me to meet for coffee, where we chatted it up for a while and set a date for a shoot!

Leading up to this, two big things happened:

  • I had branded myself online for architectural photography work, which meant people started associating me with that type of work.

  •  I was talking with people and TELLING them that I photographed spaces. (Psst! It's really important that you actually tell people the type of photography you do.)

(SPOILER ALERT!!!)  I'm working on a course all about the Business of Interior Photography that will go deeper into what you need to consider and update when you're branding yourself, as well as how you can connect with people.

But IN THE MEANTIME, consider this: where are you showing up for your future clients? In other words, how are you placing yourself in their path?

  • Are you starting conversations on IG?

  • Are you introducing yourself via email?

  • Are you attending any events for their industry?

  • Are you meeting or connecting with other professionals who may know interior designers?

  • Are you talking about your work with friends and family?

It may seem simple, but just remember that in order for people to hire you, they need to know that you're available for hire.

So tell me, do you remember your first?

I'd love to hear the story! Reply to this email to tell me how that first paying interiors clients came to find you.


Not sure where to start connecting with potential clients?

IG is going to be a great spot to connect virtually, so let's start there. Before you can implement any tactic or post that perfect photo and caption... let's make sure you're engaging with the correct people.

Step 1: if you're using IG to find clients, you should be following potential clients.

We all love talking shop with fellow photographers, but that's not getting clients through the door, is it? If you follow potential clients, though, that's whose posts you'll see in your feed! This means that when you engage, you'll be doing so with potential clients. The more you engage, the better connection you can create.

*Does this mean that you have to unfollow all your photographer friends?!

No, not at all! You can keep following them all, but mute most. Muting someone on IG means that you're still following them, but they won't show up on your feed. It's okay to keep a few that are inspirational or close friends, though ;-)

I look forward to hearing back from you!  
As always, stay safe and be kind,


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