Subject: It's that merry time of year again!

It's that merry time of year!

Has 2021 been a roller coaster for you? Because it sure has for me! As this year starts to wind down, I want to use this newsletter to say a few things.

First, THANK YOU. The fact that there is still a newsletter going out every week and is being received by so many of you really warms my heart. I hope that each week this brings some value and positivity to your inbox 🖤🖤

As I take some time on my own to reflect on this year and plan for the future, I want to hear from you! This brand is built to serve you.

So tell me, what are some things you'd love to see from The Grove Studio in the future?

What's been your favorite content?

What's been your least favorite?

Would you like to see some in-person events happen?

What about virtual events?

Who are some women you would love to learn from?

What are topics you want to learn more about?

If you've purchased any courses, have they been helpful? How so?

What sort of courses or products would you like to see available in the future?

I want to hear it all!

Just hit reply to this email and let me know how you feel about what's already been available and what you'd like to see in the future.

I'm all ears!

Finally, I want to wish you a joyful end to the year. May you have some slow days to enjoy life with loved ones.

I can't wait to see what we accomplish together next year!

You'll hear from me again after the new year, but we'll be on IG striking up conversations and sharing info! And as always, I'm here if you want to send any comments or questions my way.

Have a joy-filled holiday season, stay safe, and be kind.



If you want to get a glimpse of my Christmas decorating this year, check out this cute video made just for you!