Subject: Interiors + Portraits = Leveled Up Offerings

Join in today's webinar, plus check out the latest #photobreakdown


Client experience rules

Happening TODAY!

Today at 11am Pacific, we'll be sitting down with Kelsey to hear all about how to create an incredible client experience when you're capturing brand photos (like on-the-fly portraits).

If you're anything like me, you've gotten this request loads of times,

"Oh yeah, can you also just take a few quick shots of me in this kitchen/bedroom/living room?"

Also if you're anything like me, it's a struggle to switch from interiors mode to portrait mode, and to even THINK of how to direct your client so they look beautiful and natural!

If you're ready to join us live, register below!

Can't join us live?

All webinars are available in our Expert Chat Library!

Become a Premium member to access our library today.


The latest #photobreakdown takes us to this beautiful bath that presented some challenges - long, narrow room with one window at the end that backlit everything.

Click below to see the images for each layer, the video of the blending, and the final image delivered to the client!

You can view these on several platforms!

Love YouTube? Watch it here and subscribe to our channel to get instant notifications when new videos get posted!

Always on Instagram? Scan our feed, search for #photobreakdown, or keep an eye out every other Monday.

More of a website fan? Our Field Notes have a #photobreadown section with our entire collection!

On the calendar

Upcoming Events:

September 28 - FB Group Monthly Virtual Happy Hour

October (date TBD) - Webinar: Bethany Nauert (topic TBD)

October 26 - FB Group Monthly Virtual Happy Hour

November 7 - Architectural Workshop w/Ema Peter (part of PMRE)

November 9 - Ladies Luncheon (part of PMRE)

November 14 - Webinar: Ask a Tax Pro w/Rachel Rubin

See our full calendar and get details on the Events Page.

*Grove Socials require RSVP via the website

Women belong in all places

where decisions are being made.

~ Ruth Bader Ginsburg

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