Subject: Find it on our YouTube Channel!

Find it on our YouTube Channel

If you follow The Grove Studio on Instagram (( , you may have noticed the #photobreakdowns every Monday (they used to be a Thursday tradition!). These are posts where I share the behind-the-scenes of a photo by showing what each layer looks like, note what each layer is for and what to focus on, and how they all blend together to form the final photo. Pretty cool, right?!

Insta doesn't really give you any way of stopping a video to watch it, or blowing it up to a bigger screen, so.... all photo breakdowns are now posted on the YouTube channel! ((

Eventually, they will all be on the website as Field Notes as well, but in the meantime you'll want to go to YouTube and check them out. Here you can watch those Photoshop videos showing the blended layers in a larger screen AND you can pause, backup, and advance it!


Are you tying up all your loose ends?

There were probably some clients in November and December who had to push shoots back until after New Year because of delivery delays, holiday decor, or busy schedules.

Don't forget to circle back to them now and pick things back up! It's a great time to revisit any jobs that were floating around but not set in your calendar.

Don't leave money on the table!

A special note about the expert chat in the FB group: We're going to need to reschedule Silvia, so there will be no expert chat this Wednesday the 19th. As soon as another one gets scheduled, you'll hear all about it!!

That's all for now. Till next time, take care and be kind.



Masterclasses are available now!

(Follow the links below)

In case you forgot: