Subject: Do you know what I charge my clients?

Let's finally open up about rates and terms.


I'm done.

It can't be just me.

The guess work.

The doubts.

The imposter syndrome.

Setting my rates and then sending quotes to new clients is always stressful.

Yes, part of it is me getting in my own way.

But another (BIG) part of it is that there's such a mystery around what others charge!

And quite frankly, I'm over it.

It's time to get real.

This industry would be much stronger with open communication.

We can't complain about new photographers undercharging or there not being any industry standards if we don't, um, TALK about stuff!

Let's DO this!

Introducing the Industry Rates Database.

This project has been on my mind for almost 2 years, and has been getting worked on for the past couple of months. Finally!

What is it?

A database (ie, a fancy spreadsheet) that houses rate and terms information from different photographers worldwide. It shows rates, type of client, number of images delivered, licensing terms, rate structure, demographics, etc...

It's community-driven (filled with your submissions).

It's voluntary.

It's FREE.


It's a growing database that you can return to time and time again to get a feel for how your rates and terms stack up against someone else at your expertise level, or someone in your region, or someone doing a similar type of shoot.

In other words, this will become your compass for pricing.

How does it work?

Step 1 - Submit an entry.

It's FREE (like, free free).

It's anonymous (even I have no idea who submits!).

No emails are collected.

No barriers at all.

All fields are optional - share as little or as much as you'd like.

Step 2 - Once entry is submitted, you get the link to the database to view.

This is where you can see all the other entries.

Hang on to this link so you can keep coming back!

Step 3 - Share with other photographers!

This database gets stronger as more entries are submitted.

The more information shared, the more knowledge we have about our industry, the more power we have in knowing what to charge and what terms to set.

Step 4 - Submit again!

Multiple entries are encouraged!

Share information for a different type of shoot, a different type of client, different licensing terms...

One more thing...

Because this is a resource to help the entire industry, it is open to EVERYONE.

All genders.

All ages.

All geographical locations.

All experience levels.

All races.

All abilities.

In fact, the more diverse entries we have, the better the information gathered!

This can be a resource to give clarity on differing ways of working for women, minorities, folks with disabilities, different regions of the world....

Thank you in advance for participating in this industry-wide resource.

You're not only helping yourself to gain insights,

but you're helping future generations of photographers

find a clearer path to success ❤️

SEO for Growth, baby!

Let's kick off a new year of webinars with a bang!


Getting found online has become one of the most vital things you can do for your growing business. And while social media can help with that, there's only one way to make your website work FOR you.... SEO.


Let's meet up for a virtual chat with Lauren Engel of Arturo+Lauren and Shiftercom to talk about the best SEO practices to grow your visibility!


Lauren brings a successful business and partnership, plus a strong background in marketing for large brands, to this webinar that promises to be a game-changer for your business. 


Join me and Lauren on Thursday, January 18th at 11am Pacific time for a talk that will give you the right tactics to increase your online visibility so you can let that gorgeous portfolio do the work for you!


Join us with your questions or just to listen in and learn!


Can't join us live? No problem!

All our webinars are recorded + added to our Expert Chat Library,

accessible to Premium Members.

Upcoming Events:

January 18 - Webinar: SEO for Growth w/ Lauren Engel

January 25 - Monthly Virtual Happy Hour

February 29 - Monthly Virtual Happy Hour

That's all for this week, folks!

Cheers to a new year full of joy and prosperity for you 🥂



Don't sit down and wait for the opportunities to come -

get up and make them.

~ Madam CJ Walker

Let's connect