Subject: Do you ever feel like a fraud?

Plus, our latest Friday Features + bottom's up to a new happy hour!


Have you ever...

... felt worse about yourself after scrolling IG?

... panicked because you see the beautiful work of another photographer in your market?

... stayed quiet in an online forum/group because you think your question is dumb or will get belittled?

Oh yes, hello imposter syndrome!

First, let me tell you that I and many, many other photographers have felt ALLLLLL those things! You are not alone.

Then, let's talk about this pesky imposter syndrome that many of us just can't shake.

It can creep in quietly.

We may think we have it under control.

But then one day it just takes over and WHAM! Your mood and motivation is in the dumps for the rest of the day... week... month... or more.

One of the best ways to keep imposter syndrome at bay is to talk it out with others and have some tools for dealing with it ready to go.

In our latest Field Note, we look at what imposter syndrome is, how it can negatively impact you, and what you can do to start beating it immediately.

Meet Marli + Lauren!

Meet Marli from Australia!


Meghan builds on her experience worldwide with seasoned photographers to now offer a minimal approach to boutique hospitality spaces. Her photos feel like they transport you to a beautiful little nook of the world.

Tap the image or the button below to see Marli's lovely work, drop a supportive comment, and give her a follow on IG 🇬🇵

Meet Lauren from Atlanta!


What started as a need for another business with her husband, has now turned into a thriving full-time business for Lauren. Who knew that her hobby would grow into this?! Lauren's work is clean and bright, showing off her clients' designs beautifully.

Tap the image or the button below to see Lauren's gorgeous work, drop a supportive comment, and give her a follow on IG 🇬🇵

Want to be featured or know a female photographer that should be?

We want to hear from you!

Or email us to let us know who you want to nominate.

It's that simple!

Happy Hours - revamped!

If you're a community member and part of our FB group, you probably already know that we do a virtual happy hour on the last Thursday of every month.

Starting this month, though, our happy hours are getting revamped!

Each month will now have a topic of discussion. (This month is Editing Workflow!)

Once a quarter, our happy hour will be a peer photo critique where you can share your photos to get some open and constructive feedback!

If you're a member but not sure where to find info for these, visit the Events tab in the Facebook group to see details and grab the zoom link.

Not a member yet?

Both levels of membership give you access to

our Facebook group (ladies only, please!).

Upcoming Events:

March 28 - Editing Workflows (Monthly Virtual Happy Hour)

April 25 - Pitching to Publications (Monthly Virtual Happy Hour)

April 29 - Webinar: The Business of Architectural Photography w/ Ema Peter

Stay safe and be kind,



sometimes an angel

sometimes a hell raiser

always a strong woman

~ r.h. Sin

Let's connect