Subject: Big Leaps! ((office tour))

Big leaps

((office tour))

Today is a pretty big day for me.

Eighteen years ago today, I landed in California with two suitcases and absolutely no idea what the future held for me. After living in a guest room for a few months, I started my career in architecture.

Fast forward to today and I’m settled into my very own private office (eeek!) where I conduct business for my business - both the photography and The Grove Studio.

Let me tell you - it hasn’t been a linear path to get here or an easy one!

While I celebrate this crazy journey and what is still in store for me, I also want to share this latest milestone with you! So today, I’m giving a peek into my new office space.

Just one month ago, I was still working out of this small corner of my bedroom:

(Yep, that’s the small space between my bed and my closet door!)

Now, I have a private office that is dedicated to just working. It’s not too far from home, it has a great view with beautiful trees, and it’s just big enough to make magic happen! Wanna take a look? Click Here!

I love celebrating all of YOUR wins, and so I try to also remember to celebrate my own. Walking through the door of my first official office felt pretty darn special.

Onward and upward!



Do you take advantage of Snapshots in Lightroom?

Sometimes, you have a photo how you like it, but you want to try something different. You have a few options: you can do a virtual copy or you can do a snapshot.

A virtual copy is great because it’s a completely separate thumbnail and can offer an easy comparison that acts independently.

A snapshot is great if you want to try another version but be able to just click back to the original. You can create a snapshot by going to the Snapshots section in the left column within the Develop module of Lightroom. When you create a snapshot, you create a record of every settings on that photo at that time. You can then go on and do whatever you want to it, but at any point you can click on that snapshot and go right back to what those settings were.

 If you want to create a few different versions, you can create multiple snapshots! This is great if you’re playing with some aesthetic decisions and can’t really make up your mind - create multiple snapshots and click back and forth to see which one you like best.


Cheers to growing our community

& making lots of magic happen!