Subject: A whole bunch o' updates!

Discount codes, upcoming chats, and a chance to tell us what YOU want to see


There was no newsletter planned for today. I had NO IDEA what to tell you about!

It's not that there isn't much going on, or that there isn't much to keep teaching you about. In fact, it's because of so much going on that it slipped by me!

And rather than skip a newsletter (my biggest nightmare!), I thought it would be a great opportunity to bring you into some of the goodness that is happening!

So get ready for a whole lot o' updates. Ready? Ok, let's dive in.

PFRE Updates

I've already talked about the awesome Ladies' Panel and Ladies' Luncheon happening at PFRE this year, but there are updates!

Update #1: I have discount codes for you!

If you're planning on going in-person and still need a ticket, use code THEGROVE50 for a $50 discount off ticket price.

If you're considering getting a virtual ticket to catch the livestream, use code THEGROVE25 for a $25 discount off ticket price.

To see event info, including the lineup, schedule, and ticket options, you can go HERE. And for the ladies reading this email, don't forget to sign up for the Ladies' Luncheon! It's a chance to sit and gab with all the women panelists one-on-one.

Update #2:  The Grove Studio is organizing a gathering!

This hasn't been published publicly yet (see, I promised you some first dibs, right?!). If you're in the Vegas area or will be for the conference, come meet with fellow The Grove Studio community members and connect!

This will be a super informal gathering on the night before the conference officially starts. It's a great way to connect before the event even starts!

And if you're not attending the conference itself but want to be in the area to meet with people, it's a great chance for you to meet and greet!

This event is open to everyone, including the fellas! Let's all grab a cool drink, meet those amazing photographers we've been DMing with all year, and have a fun time before the learning begins.

No need to RSVP. (But I'd love to know if you're attending!)

No cost to attend.

I'm not reserving a space; we'll just meet at a specific spot and hang out - whether it's 5 of us or 50 of us!

Event details:

Starts at 7:00pm on Nov. 17th, 2021

Meet at the outdoor tequila bar in Baja Miguel's Mexican Restaurant (within South Point Hotel & Casino, where the conference is being held)

I hope to see you there!!

Update #3:  Give me all your questions!

Well, let me clarify. As part of the Ladies' Panel, we'll be answering questions from the public. So right now we're gathering questions from YOU!

So tell me, what burning questions do you have that could be answered by myself, Lauren Engle, Tacey Jungmann, Cindy James, Toni Lovejoy, and Rachel Brenke? We want to answer it all!

(ok, we won't have time to answer eeeeeverything, but we'll do our best 😉 )

To send me your questions, simply hit "Reply" to this email and give it to me!

Misc. Updates

As the year starts to wind down (can you believe it?!), there's a lot of talk going on behind-the-scenes as we look ahead. I and my team will be taking time off in December so that we can rest, celebrate holidays, and enjoy quality time with loved ones. As we start to dream about next year, though, I'd love to hear your thoughts on a few things.

Update #1: Let's hear more voices.

The Grove Studio is not only about me teaching what I've learned so far, but also about putting a spotlight on other women in the field. This brand is meant to be a platform for you to grow, both by learning AND speaking up!

To that end, we'd love to hear from you next year as a contributor. We're set for the remainder of this year, but would love to have even more voices in the Field Notes next year!

Because you DO have things to teach others, and we DO want to hear from you.

So enjoy your holiday celebrations, but let's rock 2022 together.

Update #2:  #photobreakdowns are now expanding!

As part of the philosophy to lift the curtain on how interior photos come together, I started doing my #photobreakdown posts on Instagram last year. These walk through the layers that go into a single photo, noting what is being corrected or why each layer is used. Then I show a quick video of the masking in Photoshop, and then reveal the final photo.

I have been blown away at how much you love these posts!! So yes, I hear you and these posts will continue! They debut each Thursday on Instagram, so keep an eye out for those.

What I really wanted to update you on, though, is that they are now being added to YouTube and the Field Notes! By having them available on these other channels, you'll have a chance to view the videos with the masked layers in a larger screen and with the ability to pause, rewind, or rewatch easily. I hope these become a valuable resource in demystifying our process just a bit ✨

It will take a while for us to load the past #photobreakdowns into these channels, but there are four available so far. You can find them here:

Fixing blown out windows

Glass door reflections

French doors to a dark room

Two rooms in one photo


Normally I would give you a small, but powerful, pro tip here. This week, though, I'm going to skip this section so you can savor all the juicy updates mentioned above. I mean, there's a lot going on! All this plus a course in the works (it's less than a month away - so exciting!!).

So take some time to read through the updates. Get your ticket to PFRE if you haven't already. Carve out a little time in your schedule for our fun gathering on Nov. 17th. Send me those questions for the panel of amazing women. Refresh your memory on the #photobreakdowns. And get ready to speak up in 2022!

Phew! That's a lot.

pssssst: and that's not all! Lots more updates are coming your way around year's end. Stay tuned 📺

Until next time, stay safe and be kind,



This is what meetings are feeling like lately...