Subject: A change of plans.

Why conversations matter + Meet our latest Friday Feature!


This was not our planned newsletter topic.

My day last Thursday started with a full inbox of DMs, texts, and FB posts and comments. Apparently, a recent newsletter was shared publicly in a not-favorable way, and loads of people in our community jumped to let me know. (Thank you! 🇬🇵) Things progressed a bit from there.

I won't go into details - it's not worth it.

I stand by every word in that and all our newsletters.

The big takeaway from it all?

Something that I preach all the time -

open communication with clients is crucial!

In our FB group, we're always helping each other navigate tough situations with clients. A lot (and I mean A LOT) of these tough situations can often be avoided when you have really good, open conversations from the beginning.

Almost always, the stickiest situations and most questions are around copyright and usage.

Not sure what these conversations need to look like?

We have a few existing resources for you!

We dive into client relations in our Business of Interior Photography Masterclass, but we also have some free resources to help get you going!

Our freebie Discovery Call Guide goes through the must-ask questions on that first call with a potential client. It helps make sure that the call is a 2-way conversation.

We also have a few Field Notes that talk about important conversations to have, the onboarding process, and what to do in case of infringements.

So next time you have a potential client on the phone, make sure you educate, ask questions, and come to terms that you are both clear on.

I'm so proud of how The Grove community and the interior/arch photographer community in general spoke up this past week. Keep it up!

Meet Kristine!

Meet Kristine from Washington state!


Kris has been a member of our community for some time now, and if you've attending the PMRE Conference in the past, you've surely met her! While she initially was known more for her RE photo work, we're so happy to see more and more interior photo work coming from her. This project that she shared with us is stunning!

Tap the image or the button below to see Kris's beautiful work, drop a supportive comment, and give her a follow on IG 🇬🇵

Want to be featured or know a female photographer that should be?

We want to hear from you!

Or email us to let us know who you want to nominate.

It's that simple!

Coming Up

It's not all about taking great photos!

Some would argue that's just a small part of being a professional photographer.

Still, the business side of photography is just not talked about too often.

Let's meet up for a virtual chat with world-renowned architectural photographer Ema Peter.

Ema brings decades of experience behind the camera, an endless list of acknowledgements and publications, and the honor of having photographed some of the most iconic architecture of our time worldwide. She'll open up about the business side of her photography - getting started, client relations, marketing - it's all fair game in this conversation!


Join me and Ema on Monday, April 29th for a talk that will shed light on what needs to happen when you're NOT behind the camera.

Join us with your questions or just to listen in and learn!

Can't join us live? No problem!

All our webinars are recorded + added to our Expert Chat Library,

accessible to Premium Members.

It's Happy Hour time!

THIS THURSDAY is our next Monthly Virtual Happy Hour!

Join me on zoom for a casual chat where we all exchange info to support each other.

This month's topic of conversation will be Getting Clients.

So let's talk about what's worked for you, what hasn't, what you've been wanting to try... all the things!

Monthly Virtual Happy Hours are for members only.

These casual chats are not recorded.

All info to join us can be found in the Events tab in our FB Group.

Not a member? Join today!

Happy hours are for all current members,

including Community and Premium levels.

Upcoming Events:

April 25 - Getting Clients (Monthly Virtual Happy Hour)

April 29 - Webinar: The Business of Architectural Photography w/ Ema Peter

May 21 - Webinar: Copyright Q&A w/ RightsClick founders

May 30 - Pitching to Publications (Monthly Virtual Happy Hour)

Be kind and have a great week,



Don't spend time beating on a wall,

hoping to transform it into a door.

~ Coco Chanel

Let's connect