Subject: To people who secretly worry that they aren't ready for retirement


Recently, I read a funny article.

The basic premise was that, by 50, people should have four times their salary saved.

This article was written for Americans, but the authors made the point that people in other countries should strive for a similar amount of savings.

My opinion?

I wondered if they were high when writing this article.

Those numbers make zero sense to me.

Especially in America, after the economic crisis of 2008.

Plus, with the rising cost of living, people need to take cash out of their 401k.

And let's not forget that automation is killing most jobs - robots are going to substitute humans in physical jobs and slowly but surely work their way into more creative ones.

Honestly, having ANY saving is a miracle in our day and age.

But I understand where the article writer's come from.

Retiring when you're 65+ without a financial cushion is going to hurt.

You're too old to work...

...and you don't want to burden your loved ones.

Question is...

What will you do?

What will you do when your job hasn't provided you with enough manee all those years?

Will you lose your house?

Will you beg family and friends for assistance?

Will you become a burden to your kids, when they're trying to build their own lives?

Tough questions.

And unfortunately, they don't have easy answers.

The only thing you can do when the above happens is turn time back and make smarter moves.

Luckily, there is a certain kind of move that can take you out of any financial pinch, no matter your age. It will protect you, your spouse and your kids.

Most people don't know about it...

...since they think they can't change their situation.

But you're different (you wouldn't be reading this if you weren't) and you can take advantage of the move I'm talking about.

Experience it for yourself here.

Olaf Weiland

Impact101 Team

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