Subject: Major Momentum is Here

Major Momentum is happening. We're just wrapping up Week 13 and we already have Impacters in 139 different countries. That's never been done by any company anywhere ever. - In just the last 7 days Impact101 members have received more than 3600 donations for a total of $1.719 Million USD in donations. - Find out why this is happening and how you can get a big piece of it by listening to this recording.
Hello Impacters

Major Momentum is happening. We're just wrapping up Week 13 and we already have Impacters in 139 different countries. That's never been done by any company anywhere ever.
In just the last 7 days Impact101 members have received more than 3600 donations for a total of $1.719 Million USD in donations.
Find out why this is happening and how you can get a big piece of it by listening to this recording.
For more information on how to raise fund for your cause whatever it may be with Impact101 Crowdfunding watch the videos on my mobile Landingpage or text me on Facebook

Let's rock the world together and make a huge Impact worldwide!

Olaf Weiland

Impact101 Team

Wöbs 47, 23715, Bosau, Germany
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