Subject: In Less Than 2 Hours: Impact101 Global Building Training Call

Hello Impacter,
Announcing our first GLOBAL BUILDING TRAINING CALL, starting in less than 2 hours from now!

John and Joe have spent the last 25 years building huge global teams. They will share the exact simple things that everybody can do to get results with their Impact101 platform. This will be the Complete Roadmap to Success!

This call will be ideal for all Impacters as well as any prospects who are looking at Impact101 and trying to decide if they can do this.

Be on this call to make 2019 your Life Changing Year!

Don't miss it!

TODAY, Saturday, February 16

Please click the link below to join the webinar:

10 am PST, 1 pm EST North America

6 pm UK

The Zoom conference ID is 266883651

On iPhone one-tap:
US: +16699006833,,266883651# or +16468769923,,266883651#

Or Telephone:Dial (for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
US: +1 669 900 6833 or +1 646 876 9923

International numbers available:

With a large community of Impacters around the world it's difficult to choose a time for the call that works for all regions. We want everybody to have access to the valuable information that will be shared on this call so we will record it and post it in your back office later on Saturday.

For more information on Impact 101 Crowdfunding watch the videos on my mobile Landingpage or text me on Facebook

Let's rock the world together

Olaf Weiland
Team p2pProfit &
Impact101 Team

Wöbs 47, 23715, Bosau, Germany
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