Subject: Here's how "job imprisonment" looks like


I'm not sure if this is true...

But I once heard of a guy who was managing ghetto multifamily buildings.

He was working 60 hours a week for a small salary, no benefits, had to use his car, and got less than minimum wage.

As if the above weren't enough...

...dreadful things were happening on a daily basis.

Want examples?

OK, here are some:

A friend of his quit after getting chased by a masked man with a gun who started shooting at him.

Another time he found a body in the bathtub!


Once, he and his construction crew got held up by some crack heads who ended up putting one of his guys in the hospital after beating him with the back end of a pistol.

And let's not mention the countless death threats...

At this point, you might wonder:

"Why didn't he just quit?"

Unfortunately, he was imprisoned to his job.

He couldn't leave - not with 3 kids and a stay-at-home wife.

They had nothing saved.

So if he did quit?

His family would starve.

Are all the above true?

I'm not sure.

But this guy's story is motivating.

Motivating as in, "What I never want to happen to me."

You might be in a worse situation.

Or you might be in a better situation.

Who knows?

But at the end of the day, you owe it to yourself and your family, to never get in a situation like his.

A situation where your health and safety are threatened...

...yet you can't quit your job...

...because it will spell your financial demise.

Here's how to protect yourself from situations like the above.

Olaf Weiland

Impact101 Team

Wöbs 47, 23715, Bosau, Germany
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