Subject: Friend The Bum Gun Newsletter: January

Do You Want To Make 2016 The Best Ever For You & Your Family?
Was 2015 Your Best Year Ever?
In my role as CEO of The Bum Gun Company, I have the chance to meet men and women everyday to discuss their health and hygiene. These good people often don't realise the massive benefits of bidet sprayer technology. This gives me a tremendous opportunity to educate them to this awesome invention. I often get the impression that this discovery is truly ground breaking for them. This is because they basically didn't even think there might be a better alternative to toilet paper. 
Fortunately, there is a huge improvement on the nasty old toilet roll. Admittedly, it did serve a purpose for a great number of years, but like every invention, a better alternative comes along eventually.
Times do change, thankfully. Don't get me wrong I also didn't realise there was something better than toilet paper until a trip to Thailand in 1991. And thankfully, this discovery was life changing for me. And I fully believe it will be for you.

Perhaps you are already a convert to The Bum Gun, and good for you. But unfortunately, you are an exception to the rule. I'd say at least 95% of the western world has yet to discover The Bum Gun and all the massive benefits. But one day in the not too distant future, there will be a massive turn around, and the 95% will be the people who use The Bum Gun. And I long for that day when so many people can live their lives that much better by discovering the simple, but oh so effective, hand held shower, convientely placed next to every bathroom across USA, UK, Canada and Australia.
Why does The Bum Gun Give FREE Tongue Scrapers?
The simple tongue scrapers might be the second best product you start using this year. With all purchases of The Bum Gun bidet sprayer this year we have been giving away a FREE tongue scraper. But why?
As I’m sure some people might not understand the logic behind giving away this device for FREE, here is my reasoning.

How Bidet Sprayers Can Save Our Children’s Education
Have you ever though bathroom bidet sprayers could improve your child’s education? Well, a fact that I came across this week shocked me, although I had a feeling it was fairly high. The number in question is how many teaching days are lost through sickness every year. Now like all these statistics we read on the internet, the situation is hard to fathom. Do the figures relate to just America or all western countries?
In this case we are given 2.7 million teaching days are lost through ....

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Greg Noland, 3 Newland Ave, HG28LP, Harrogate, United Kingdom
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