Subject: New Embed Network Launching Today

New Embed Network Launching Today

May 17th, 2018 at 10:55 am EDT

Hey guys! I'm launching a embed network today at 10:30 AM CST Tune in .. it's going to be the deal of a lifetime. Very limited to spots and time. I also have another brief one setup to discussion. Hop in if your interested. Let's get back to Youtube ...

Holly's Opening a Embed Network? FREEEEEE

May 15th, 2018 at 8:20 pm EDT

Scheduled a hangout for 10:30 AM on 5-16 CST time Is Holly opening up a 100% free embed network next week? Maybe so ... tune in on tomorrows hangout. CTR and Embed Network .. what .. no way!

Hangout Scheduled for 10:30 CST .. New CTR Results and Google Maps

May 15th, 2018 at 11:40 am EDT

Scheduled a hangout for 10:30 on 5-16 CST time We are discussing neg SEO douche that I've tracked down, Google maps winners and losers, a new CTR service I'm coming out with, indexing sites .. is this google stoppage ever going to end. And Probably w ...