Subject: September Greetings!

Don't Miss the Catio Tour! 

"What's a Catio", you say? It's an excellent trend that's catching on, as it allows your indoor kitty access to the sights, sounds and fresh air of the outdoors without the threat of coyotes, loose dogs, traffic, people who might steal or terrorize your cat, and fights with other cats which may injure them or pass along a contagious disease and cause big vet bills. It also has the excellent effect of making sure that your cat isn't responsible for killing some of the 2-4 billion birds and 7-20 billion small mammals that are are killed by cats in the U.S. alone every year. It certainly is heartbreaking to consistently see multiple heartbroken pleas on Next Door to help people find  their beloved lost kitties. 

Many creative people have built structures, screened in their porches or created access through the windows to smaller cages or walkaways that the cat can use to safely hang out outdoors. Some are simple, some are elaborate of course, and the catio tour is a great way to see a range of clever ideas that might tempt you to try this great way to provide environmental enrichment while avoiding danger. You can choose to do this tour in person, or explore these catios through an online video tour. Read more about catios and also our journey of successfully turning an outdoor cat into an indoor cat and our solutions to help him acclimate in my blog post here. Register for this year's catio tour  - which is tomorrow! here (sorry for the last minute update - we've been very busy!)
(And Answers Update)

So, I promised you that I would keep you updated on Answers pet food news. You might remember in May when I updated you about some concerning news about Answers and some drastic changes within the company. Roxanne and Jaqueline (the company’s founders), Billy (their nutritionist) and Dr Doug (their on-staff veterinarian) left Answers when the company was suddenly rearranged by a change of majority shares. 

We were worried about the integrity of the food and potential changes in sourcing, etc. Luckily, Answers seems to have done a good job of maintaining the recipes and procedures that Roxanne, Jaqueline, and Billy created that are so important to us, and have made a point to continue certification programs that focus on good agricultural practices that assure humane treatment of animals and compliance with food safety requirements. We’ve continued to stock their food and feel comfortable about it, and have had good interactions with the new staff.

That being said, right after the big split, we found out that the founders were already hard at work creating their new company, “Kure”.  (check them out on social media for more timely info on their progress). We were thrilled, but figured it would take ages for them to be able to get the operation up and running. Surprisingly, they have moved at lightning speed and the first few products are already in production! 
They are still incredibly dedicated to their mission of developing the very best nutrition for our pets, and they now have the freedom to develop new recipes and products. Many of them seem very similar to their old Answers products, with some exciting improvements and some new products coming as well. 
We plan to support their efforts, and will likely be replacing a few of your favorite items in that freezer. It shouldn’t be terribly long before we have some new fermented goat milk, a new cow’s milk kefir, and a new fermented fish stock. 
New products you haven’t seen before will also be trickling in, such as high vitamin cow butter and goat butter (more on that soon), a few new cheeses, and an exciting chicken and ginger bone broth that is completely jiggly looking (which is exactly what you want in a bone broth from all of that good collagen!) 
The other product that they’re letting us know is coming soon are two meat diets for dogs: a beef and a chicken. These will be in “chub” form instead of patties and nibbles, and available in bulk boxes that you will be able to order very soon. They are cased in cellulose that they have had custom made without polypropylene glycol (many meat chub casing contains this chemical as a releasing agent), and these chubs will be sold in cases (12/1lb chubs (we will stock these), 20/1lb chubs, and 20/2# chubs (you will order these). They’ve always been the leader in the industry of avoiding all plastics in their packaging. Eventually they will have other forms like patties, but those are not currently in the pipeline at this time. We'll continue to stock the Answers Patties, Nibbles  and Pounders.

We still like Answers, but we remember that everything that makes Answers the best food in town so far was developed by the folks who now own Kure. Their innovations (especially the use of fermentation in all of their products) were incredibly innovative and unique, making the Answers brand our top choice for foods that heal and support animals with health issues. We remember their earlier days when Roxanne and Jaqueline would visit our store to teach us about their company, and later how amazing it was for us to participate in one of their multiple case studies where we transitioned one of our customers’ English Bulldog (who had very advanced case of food allergies that had resulted in antibiotic resistant staff infections, etc) to a 100% Goat’s Milk diet for a several months in conjunction with his vet that helped to clear up almost all of his symptoms. (Don't forget that that this fermented goat's milk is a perfectly balanced food, and a goat milk fast is an excellent way to fast a dog after they have a bout of diarrhea, while still providing all the nutrients they need.)
They then created a health manual, which listed a variety of common ailments (cancer, pancreatitis, etc) and their ideal nutritional protocols to manage those conditions. No other food company has ever provided resources like that, and so effectively showed the public how powerful food can be as medicine. 

We believe that Answers will continue to produce the old recipes in the way that they should, but we can’t forget that the true innovation and commitment to exacting standards were developed by these amazing women, and that we will want to keep following them in their quest. Kure Chief Veterinarian Dr Doug Knueven says, “This is more than just a pet food company, it’s a community on a mission.”

Many of your catnip-loving cats have grown to love Ratherbee’s catnip cigars, which are packed with some of the strongest catnip in the business. They’ve just come out with bigger prey, in the form of a fat black rat with a long tail, blue eyes, and pink ears, packed with the same crazy organic catnip. Your cats will likely say these rats are due for a beating!
They are only producing a few of these so get them while you can (especially because the catnip is so fresh right now)!
Newsletter special: 15% off of one Ratherbee "Le Rat” when you mention this newsletter in September!


You spoke, we listened! A fair number of people have asked if we carry Wonder Walkers harnesses, and so we started to consider the idea. The merchandizing geniuses on our staff reorganized the whole leash section (come check it out - there are lots of sales going on as a result) so we decided that we should give them a try. Our main motivations were that they're made right in Washington, allowing us to support a locally made product over one that has to travel over great distances, thereby reducing fossil fuel use. We also liked all of the pretty colors! 
Newsletter special: 15% off of one Wonder Walker when you mention this newsletter in September!

We've long loved this form of enrichment, and we're happy to find these cute new mats to add to our collection. These licking mats are a great way to keep dogs busy and quiet! Just smear some soft foods across the textured surface (a bit of peanut butter, cooked sweet potato, yogurt, unsweetened applesauce, etc) You can even freeze these things or liquids like goat's milk on the mat for use on a hot day. They're an excellent slow feeder for canned and raw foods. They're  ideal for puppies as they're easier than Kongs to learn how to use, and are safer than some chews that they might swallow. Licking can be very soothing for anxious dogs, and it can help their digestion and dental health as it stimulates salivation. Both brands we carry are dishwasher and freezer safe, and come in larger and smaller sizes, and there's even one shaped like a round- bottomed bowl to add some difficulty to the activity, extending the time they have to spend on it. There's even one with suction cups on the back for use in the bathtub or even on a sliding door window to distract the dog from a bath or a nail trim. Cats can even enjoy a licking mat!

PS: Check out the West Paw creamy treats which come in both Beef Liver and Peanut Butter Banana flavors for licking or Kong style toys.

NEWSLETTER SPECIAL: Take 15% off of one textured Licking Mat style toy before the end of September! 

Bonus Info: Here are some Great tips for stuffing toys like Topl and Kong: 


These new items on our toy wall are a few of the many nifty ways to keep your dogs busy. Much like a Kong, they have a tunnel in the bottom to stuff yummy treats, but these have excellent outsides as well. The Acorn for small to medium dogs has nifty grooves that you could put enzymatic toothpaste in, as their teeth might get a brushing if they're trying to bite into the acorn.  The Pine cone has scales that you can stuff with lickables for a time consuming challenge. Charity has been using it to feed her Answers raw food, mashing it all in between them and inside the center as well. She also said a big dog who's a softer chewer might have some good dental benefit if they are biting down on the acorn's grooves. Stuffing the insides of each of these toys with something a little difficult to get out (like a piece of Small Batch jerky that's a tight fit inside) may extend the project. 
NEWSLETTER SPECIAL: Take 15% off of either an acorn or a pine cone before the end of September!


Honestly, fish oils have some degree of drawbacks. They're of course very helpful for skin and itch issues, as well as being very supportive to brain and eye health, as well as helping to fight inflammation. We do try to stock the most sustainable brands we can find, but the truth is that removing great quantities of fish and krill from the ocean leads to declining populations of larger sea animals and whales because they’re robbed of their food source. Big fish are also easily contaminated with mercury, PCBs and dioxins. Safe-Sea’s Green Lipped Mussels are so sustainable! Grown in clean water in New Zealand, mussels grow along ropes where they soak up phytoplankton from the water. Phytoplankton grows from sunlight, so their mussels don't have to compete for their food source with marine life. As a bonus, by controlling phytoplankton it in turn manages algae blooms.
While most fish oils only contain two fatty acids, Green Lipped Mussel Oil contains 30! According to a study published in "Inflammopharmacology" in 1997, the phospholipids in mussel oil make it 158 times more effective than fish oil. Green Lipped Mussels are one of the only generous sources of an important anti-inflammatory omega-3 called ETA, which can help regenerate cartilage in a dog with arthritis
They pair it with Ahi Flower, which is a powerful plant, rich in omega fatty acids. One of those is omega-6 fatty acid called GLA which helps reduce inflammation and promotes good skin health. Ahiflower produces a precursor for EPA, which is an anti-inflammatory omega-3 in fish oil that also helps with hormone balance and supports your dog’s coat and skin. Astaxanthin, a powerful antioxidant, gives it its beautiful ruby red color.
The blend between Green Lipped Mussel Oil and Ahiflower create a super source of omega fatty acids making is a high quality oil for dogs.  

I always like to remind folks when starting any new supplement, to introduce it in small amounts, slowly building to the recommended dose. 

NEWSLETTER SPECIAL: Take 15% off of one bottle of Safe Sea Mussel Oil before the end of September!

- First Mate Cat Kibble: Take $2 off small bags and $4 off large.
- Holistic Hound CBDs: with medicinal mushrooms: Take $5 off of mushroom powder or a bottle of CBD tincture with mushrooms (ideal for fighting cancer, reducing or eliminating lumps and bumps, and support for allergies.)
- Honest Kitchen Dehydrated Food: Take $8 off a large box
- Lotus Raw Cat Food: Buy One Get One Free: (limit 6 per customer. Please make a special order for quantities larger than 2)
- Lotus Cat Cans: Buy 2 Get One Free: (Limit 24 per customer). 
- Nulo Dog, Buy a Bag of LID Pollock and get a bag for free:(any size, not to be combined with dollars off offer)
- Nulo Cat Kibble: $4 off 5# bag, $6 off 12# bag
- Nulo Dog Kibble: $3 off 4.5# bag, $6 off 11# bag, $9 off 24#
- Pure Vita Cat Kibble: $3 off any 15lb bag

Located in Beaumont Village
4327 NE Fremont Street, Portland, Oregon 97213

Telephone: 503-528-1800

© 2007 - 2015 Green Dog Pet Supply. Green Dog Pet Supply® is a Registered Trademark.
Green Dog Pet Supply, 4327 NE Fremont Street, Portland, Oregon 97213, United States
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