Subject: Quick Clarification on secret sale

Quick Clarification!

We're realizing that the verbage probably wasn't clear enough: 
Both Secret Sale options are a one time event. You must choose one of them. Your two choices are
Choice #1:One time any time this month, you may email us an order for 20% off of any regularly priced item that isn't food. You must order this with an email with secret sale in the subject line. 
Choice #2: One time between 12/19 and 12/23 you can have an appointment to shop for 15 minutes for 15% off everything including food. You must make that appointment by phone soon - they're filling up!

Sorry to the folks that were confused by any of this! 

Located in Beaumont Village
4327 NE Fremont Street, Portland, Oregon 97213

Telephone: 503-528-1800

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Green Dog Pet Supply, 4327 NE Fremont Street, Portland, Oregon 97213, United States
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