Subject: Join Us For Fremont Fest (And A Sale)!

Fremont Fest is Nearly Here!
Don't miss the parade and the sale!

 This year marks the 30th Annual Fremont Fest - can you believe it? Held every year on the first Saturday in August, Fremont Fest kicks off with a parade starting at 10AM. This year our parade will be sponsored by Whole Foods Market. This allows us to do things like hire The Brass Roots marching band - yay! The folks at Dee’s Golden Door are making a big float honoring the 30th year with an 8 foot tall blow- up birthday cake and other decorations! We’ll also be joined again this year by martial arts students from the Taekwondo School on Sandy Blvd , and it looks like we'll also have The Rose City Rollers, a Polynesian Dance Troupe andThe Portland Belly Dance Guild! The Fest continues with a pub crawl at some of our best breweries and restaurants, kids activities, and of course great shopping in the streets!  Come see our more than 125+ vendors of handmade items, clothing, art, food and so much more! This event is a way for the Beaumont Business Association to thank you, our valuable customers, for your support throughout the year.
Green Dog Pet Supply will be offering a public store-wide sale (no secrets here!) for 15% off of everything but food! See you Saturday August 6th!

March with us in the parade!!

Every year since we opened (12 years!) we have enhanced the Fremont Fest parade with pets! The pet parade can be a blast for people and their pets and we hope you’ll join us again this year. In previous years we’ve had almost 90 dogs participate - let’s do that again! Every dog that marches in the parade will get a free giant cookie and a doggy ice cream back at the shop. Is your costume ready yet? We would certainly love for you to just come as you are and join the fun, but if you and/or your pets come in costume, you are eligible to win fabulous prizes! We give prizes for the three Best Costumes, Best Human/Pet Coordinated Costumes, Most Enthusiastic Marcher, Biggest Doggy Smile, Miss/Mr Congeniality, and a few "Wild Card" prizes too. I say "pet" instead of dog, as in previous years we have been joined by a brave kitty and 3 miniature horses! Make sure you bring dogs (or other pets) that will enjoy the experience of a large noisy crowd with lots of kids and bikes. Prizes will also be awarded to kids and families that have decorated their bikes or have made mini floats!  We meet in the Beaumont Middle School parking lot some time between 9:30am and 10am and the parade kicks off at 10am and makes its way down the street to about 49th Ave. The fire truck will be in the parking lot for kids of all ages to check out while they wait!
Freeze Dried Raw Goat's Milk

We are very excited to tell you about this great new product!!! These delicious concoctions could be called treats or toppers, but we also consider them powerful supplements that are supercharged with Mother Nature’s most powerful superfoods.
No matter what, even the very best brands of kibble are still highly processed foods that lack whole food nutrients and enzymes that can help your pets' bodies thrive. Topping off kibble diets with more whole foods can make a huge difference for their health! Even the nicest raw food diets can be lacking nutrient diversity; no matter how thoughtful and knowledgeable we are, we couldn’t make a single meal for ourselves that we could eat every single day of our lives and not have a deficiency or excess of something for our personal nutritional needs. We can certainly say the same for our pets. Variety over time creates nutritional balance. Adding whole food toppers like these (or the Green Juju we featured in the last newsletter) are a great to help to round out their meals, especially if you rotate through different ones!
Each freeze dried goat milk enhancement made by Steve’s Pet Food is packed full of carefully chosen superfoods that are designed to alleviate specific health issues. They package it in a reusable glass milk bottle, so all you need to do is fill it with water, shake, and pour over your pet’s food, or give it to them as treat or bedtime snack. When you run out, you can buy their 8 oz. refill containers and reuse the milk bottle to make another batch of your favorite enhance product. Here is a description of the three amazing flavors:
CannaGurt is a raw cannabis product that takes raw goat milk yogurt and infuses it with high-quality hemp oil. With 2.9 mg of CBDs per oz, CannaGurt is designed to help to pets with seizures, anxiety, pain, cancer, cognitive disorders and a suppressed appetite. It has three simple ingredients that pack a big nutritional punch. First, the goat milk, which is incredibly nutritious and healthy for pets. They have added hemp protein which is high in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. It is also high in fiber, which helps prevent blood sugar spikes and maintains energy. The bonus is that hemp is a sustainable crop that thrives without pesticides, and purifies and enriches the soil around it. The third ingredient in this powerhouse is Hemp Oil. Hemp oil contains Cannabidiol, or CBD, which does not alter the mind but safely contains incredible medicinal benefits.
DogNog is a recipe that takes raw goat milk and boosts it’s health properties by infusing it with whole, freeze dried eggs. They then add turmeric and yucca to heighten the anti-inflammatory powers, making it ideal for pets with mobility issues, allergies, or pets with inflammatory diseases such as IBD. It supports the urinary tract by providing high levels of Vitamin C coming from both Yucca and Cranberries. Cranberries also contain flavonoids comprised of a complex profile of nifty nutrients. They perfect the enhancement by adding bromelain, a protein extract derived from the stems of pineapple, which acts as a binder to help with the absorption of the turmeric & yucca and also provides anti-inflammatory benefits.
CarnaForage is a super green smoothie that is perfect for dogs with digestive issues. It is packed with a wide variety of  greens that provide high levels of L-glutamine, an amino acid that is primarily responsible for digestive health and can ease symptoms of IBD, diarrhea and leaky gut. (Note: we also sell L-glutamine in a bottle at Green Dog as an inexpensive and effective supplement for chronic soft stool). They compliment the tummy-soothing raw goat milk with liver supportive dandelion, known for its high levels of Lecithin and Vitamin A. They finish this digestive enhancement with milk thistle, cilantro, and spirulina to strengthen and protect the liver from toxins, making it perfect for those pets with a sensitive stomach, chronic indigestion, pancreatitis, or GI tract inflammation.
If you'd like to try these Steve's Enhance Goat Milk products right away, tell the person who's ringing you up that you get the newsletter, and they'll give you 15% off of any of these formulas!
Surgery for Sierra Fleece Toys

These great braided fleece toys are for a good cause! Poor Sierra has serious issues, and her owners make these toys to try and raise money to cover her very large surgery bills. Here’s her story:

"February 20 2014 Sierra was diagnosed with bilateral hip dysplasia, bilateral elbow dysplasia and tears in both ACLs. She was just 10 months old. She started having mobility issues around 6 months old and it's progressively worsened to the point she is barely walking and unable to get on or off furniture by herself. We were referred to a surgeon about an hour away and had X-rays done.we were stunned and devastated to find out the severity. All of this combined she also needs elbow surgery now due to the severity and pain she is in. The doctor said she was a good candidate because of her age. Surgery estimate is $4400/5500
Sierra turned 1yr old on March 29 2014 we’re getting ready for her elbow surgery.
Update 4/2/2014 Sierra had surgery on both elbows and stem cell removal
Update 4/4/2014 Sierra had stem cell injections in both elbows, hips, and acls.
Update 12/22/2014 Sierra had a TTA surgery done on her knee.
Update 12/19/2015 Sierra had TTA surgery on her remaining knee.
Update 8/2015 Sierra was diagnosed with allergy pododermatitis affecting all 4 feet causing lesions, swelling, and pain.
Thank you to all the people who have prayed and donated and purchased toys that help us pay for Sierra’s surgeries. We appreciate your support."
If you want to help Sierra right away, tell the person ringing you up that you get the newsletter and they'll give you 15% off of any Help Sierra Toys!
New Sauvie Island Map!

NE Portland resident Dawn Nilson created a wonderful resource for those that want to explore Sauvie Island. Sauvie is the size of Manhattan with few roads or markers, so it's easy to drive for miles in the wrong direction in hunt of what you're there to do. Dawn has created a great map that includes points of interest, boating access points, birding areas, hiking trails, etc. She even outlines which boating areas are good at different times of year, numbers of miles for sections of roads (for the benefit of cyclists), and different sites' miles from the Crackerbarrel store and their GPS coordinates. The map is water resistant and tear proof. Not only is the author a local resident, but she printed the map in Northeast Portland at Natural Press. It is now available locally as well at Green Dog Pet Supply! Check out the Hollywood Star article about this map for even more information about it's features. The map retails for $6.99
Krill Oil!
We are very happy to have finally brought in krill oil to our fish oil selection! Fish oil is already an incredibly valuable supplement - it’s important for brain health, for keeping all cell membranes working correctly (shuttling molecules in and out of the cells), it’s beneficial for joint health and comfort, and is very healing and protective for the skin. Itchy flaky skin? Definitely try fish oil! I only wish I could get all puppies and kittens, as well as all senior pets onto fish oil for the many benefits to developing babies and supportive attributes for aging pets. Krill oil may just be better than all of the fish oils combined. Here’s why:

- It’s more potent, so you might use less of it

- Krill oil contains phospholipids, which means that it’s very easy for our pets to absorb the amazing nutrients, especially for brain health.

- Krill oil contains astaxanthin—probably the most potent antioxidant in nature. It’s a Carotenoid, which is one of the compounds in foods that give them their beautiful colors - the orange carrots, the red peppers, the purple beets, the yellow squash. These colors aren’t just pretty, they are compounds that protect the plants from damage from light and oxygen, and they indicate their remarkable ability to protect our bodies from damage as well. Krill oil is a beautiful pink color as it’s rich in astaxanthin - the same antioxident that makes wild salmon so vividly pink. Microalgae that the krill eat are rich in this carotenoid, and the salmon get their color from eating krill.

- Recent research shows amazing effects: protecting the eyes from cataracts and other eye problems, increasing immune function, improving cardiac function, protecting the brain from dementia, reducing inflammation in the body, reducing symptoms of pancreatitis, stabilizing blood sugar, protecting the kidneys, relieving reflux, and there’s been exciting research on it’s ability to fight cancer - and the list goes on!
We’ve known that we wanted to carry Krill oil for a while, but always hesitated to bring it in until we could do the research into the sustainability of harvesting krill as it’s the foundation of the food chain in the ocean. The news is good though - the fishery takes a very tiny percentage of the population of krill, and it’s a tightly managed fishery. 
- Early reports from two Green Dog staff feeding krill oil supplements for about a week to their older dogs are good, with both of them reporting noticeable perkiness. We have reports from our rep that people have seen shrinkage of fatty lipomas on their dogs - we look forward to trying it on lumpy Green Dog customers!

The coolest news is that we not only have krill oil, but we also have a joint supplement with Glucosamine, Chondroitin, Hyaluronic Acid, MSM, salmon and krill oil! It comes in both a liquid and tiny yummy pellets for sprinkling.

If you want to try it right away, tell the person ringing you up that you get the newsletter, and you can take 15% off of any Grizzly Pet Krill Oil or Grizzly Pet Joint Aid!
Safety Tip For Dogs at Fremont Fest!
Please remember, if you bring your dogs to Fremont Fest, as the day gets hotter (the last few fests have been over 100 degrees by later afternoon) pavement heats up much more than the air. On a recent recent 100 degree Saturday, we measured the pavement temperature and it was 135 degrees! This temperature can easily cause pain and blistering for dogs and verges on the temperature that could result in permanent damage to the pads. It may or may not be such a hot Fest this year, but if it is, please remember that the darker road temperature is hotter than the lighter sidewalk, and it's tempting to spend a lot of time on the pavement as you visit all of the cool vendors. Perhaps aiming to bring dogs along in the earlier part of the day would help. Here's a good article that mentions the device we use to measure pavement temps, and discusses this issue in greater depth.
New Blog Post!

Are you ready for an earthquake or other emergency? Here's a list of things to help you get organized to be able to support your pets should you have to stay in your home or evacuate. Lets all resolve to get prepared! Click here to read
Neighborhood News
I stumbled on a nifty thing yesterday while I was shopping for baskets to use in the store that I didn't realize before:
Found on Fremont Vintage shop (down near Pip's and Pride Financial) has loads and loads of pillow covers (and more upstairs) all for $5 each! If you're in the mood to spruce up a couch on the cheap, there is an incredible variety of upholstery fabrics and designs. Who knew?
We found out that one of our customers has started a cool Green business! She and her two lifelong friends have a business that supplies eco-lawn seed mixes for alternative, more sustainable lawns. They have mixes to attract pollinators, mixes that need less water, one called Rough and Ready, and one called Dog Park! They can even do custom mixes for pets with allergies to specific grass varieties. Check them out for an even Greener lawn! Check out this link for their eco-lawn mixes

Thanks as always for your wonderful support through the years. We truly appreciate it.

Located in Beaumont Village
4327 NE Fremont Street, Portland, Oregon 97213

Telephone: 503-528-1800

© 2007 - 2015 Green Dog Pet Supply. Green Dog Pet Supply® is a Registered Trademark.
Green Dog Pet Supply, 4327 NE Fremont Street, Portland, Oregon 97213, United States
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