Subject: Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!
Don't Miss Holiday Fest on Fremont!

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, we really want to tell you how grateful we are to all of you that support our business. We realize that there are more and more choices available to you in the area (with more coming soon!), so each time you make the conscious choice to shop with us, it means so much to us - it really is a significant challenge to operate a small independent business, and it doesn’t seem to get easier over time. We encourage you this holiday season to look to independently owned local stores for much of your holiday giving. Green Tip: Giving a Gift Certificate to a local stores or restaurant allows people to get what they really like, reducing waste and keeping money in our local community. Giving gifts of experience like tickets to events and concerts instead of "stuff" is also a very green option! Human Health Tip: MRI studies have shown that the feeling of gratefulness helps fight depression. They found that even in people who can't think of anything to be grateful for, the sheer act of searching for what you might be grateful for shifts your brain chemistry away from depression. We are especially grateful for the relationships we have formed with you and your wonderful pets!

Columbia Gorge Fundraiser Update

We are so Grateful to all of you that bought raffle tickets and other items to benefit restoration efforts in the Columbia River Gorge after the Eagle Creek Fire. We raised $1100, which we split evenly between Friends of Columbia River Gorge and Trailkeepers of Oregon, as they are both addressing damage and advocating for protection of damaged areas in different important ways. (Please tell your local representatives that you are against clear cutting damaged forest areas - these forests are designed by nature to rebound after fire events). Many of you even signed up at our counter to directly participate in trail clean-up and restoration efforts, and we salute you! Thank you also to our hard working staff, especially Sarah Rae who helped to coordinate and organize raffle donations.

Note about "Black Friday": We're sad about how stores make their employees work more and more hours on Thanksgiving night and before dawn for Black Friday. We wish we could afford to close on Friday like REI does (#optoutside), to give our employees more time to visit with families and friends. We can't though, and we especially don't want to inconvenience our customers who need access to supplies after the Holiday (so many people do as holidays always interferes with everyone's routines!)
So, our Black Friday hours will be 12-5 on Friday. We encourage you to stop in and get what you need, and to consider also getting outside that day and enjoying an Oregon State Park. Check out this neat effort to encourage visitation: They're waiving day-use parking fees in 26 Oregon State Parks the day after Thanksgiving, Nov.24. There will be Free hot drinks and snacks at Tryon Creek State Natural Area, Fort Stevens State Park, Rooster Rock State Park, Silver Falls State Park and Cape Blanco State Park. Refreshments donated by Starbucks Coffee, Nossa Familia Coffee, Smith Tea, Stevens Cocoa and KIND Bars will be served by volunteers from the local Friends Groups. More info here

Holiday Food Drives!

We’re excited about this Season’s annual pet food drives for cats and dogs at Green Dog!

November Cat Food Drive:
November is when we drum up donations of cat food, to be donated to people who trap and transport feral cats for spay and neuter surgery through the Feral Cat Coalition of Oregon. Here’s how it works: Simply add a bag to your purchase at the register (or call us and we can ring one up over the phone). We are selling small bags of First Mate Classic Cat food for $7.99 or big bags for $16.99 (These are our costs - we make no money on these sales). At the end of the drive we will order them and FCC will pick them up from the store all at once. Better yet, Green Dog, First Mate Pet Food and our distributor Animal Supply will each donate 2 bags for every 10 sold! So, every 10 bags purchased by customers will result in a donation of 16 bags of food! 

In December we’ll take donations of dog food bags in the same way to be donated to the Pongo Fund Pet Food Bank and we will also be raising money for their Emergency Medical Aid Program with our Santa Paws event during Fremont Holiday Fest December 1st!
(See below for more info). These Pongo Fund services help low income and homeless pet owners, keeping families together and dogs out of shelters during hard times.
Don’t Miss Fremont Holiday Fest!

This year’s Holiday Fest on NE Fremont St (brought to you by the Beaumont Business Association), is being held December 1st from 3:30-7:30pm.
There will be a giant Christmas Tree on the Foot Traffic lawn, a window decorating competition (vote on neighborhood window displays and enter your ballot to win $100 cash prize!!), many businesses will have treats and sales, and Santa Claus will be available for photos in two places (he’s magic): Holiday photos (for humans only) will be at Peak Mortgage, and Pets (with or without their families) can come to Green Dog to have their photo taken with Santa Paws! All proceeds from photos with Santa Paws will be donated to the Pongo Fund's Emergency Medical Aid Fund.  Reservations for time slots for either Santa here. If you don't find a Santa Paws spot for the time you were looking for, you are welcome to show up and wait on standby while you sip hot cider. We were able to accommodate everyone who waited on standby last year.
Jiminy Crickets!
As our world’s population grows, our demand for resources becomes more difficult to sustain. This especially goes for meat production, which requires significant land use, incredible amounts of water and food needed to raise the animals, creates conflict with wildlife concerns, and is responsible for so much pollution, especially surrounding large-scale Confined Animal Feeding Operations. Better known as Factory Farming, these CAFOs also force animals to live in inhumane conditions by anyone’s standards, and are also responsible for contributing to problems with antibiotic resistance for us humans.

Consider cutting back or eliminating meat as “Carbon Credits for Owning Carnivores”.
We love the carnivores we’ve chosen as our cherished furry family members, and they need large quantities of high quality animal proteins to thrive, so what to do? One part of the solution, of course, is for all of us to eat less meat, and to choose to only eat meat raised in humane conditions by farms that use sustainable farming and ranching practices (especially those you might find at your local Farmer’s Market or Food Coop).
Another interesting part of this solution may be found in insect protein!
Before you say EEEWWWWW! and close this page, realize that many insects such as crickets, termites and meal worms are already a staple protein in as many as 80% of other countries. (Fun Fact: Lobsters and Shrimp are some of our most cherished delicacies, but it wasn’t until the 1880s that people thought of lobsters as anything but ugly cockroaches of the sea, good only for fertilizer and prison food. In fact, both crickets and lobsters are from the same family, arthropods.)
Crickets are making their way into the U.S. as novelty treats. Did you catch Salt and Straw’s Halloween ice cream flavors? One of them was “Creepy Crawly Critters”, which featured chocolate covered crickets and coconut toffee-brittle covered mealworms blended into a matcha ice cream. Funny stuff, but from both a sustainability and nutritional standpoint, insects actually make big sense!
Check this out - Crickets have:
- 3X more protein than beef
- 3X more iron than spinach
- Are higher in Omega 3s than salmon
- Have more calcium than milk
- Are rich in B vitamins and minerals such as zinc and magnesium
- A recent study showed that these nutrients are more soluble and have better uptake than from beef or wheat.
They’re also a very novel protein, so they are great for dogs with sensitivities to other proteins, such as chicken and beef. In fact, we’ve heard of a few new pet foods in development that will use insect proteins.
Even Better, They’re More Sustainable!
- Producing 1lb of crickets requires only 1 gallon of water. Did you know it requires 2,000 gallons of water to produce only 1lb of beef?
- Crickets produce 80% less methane than cattle. Methane accounts for 16% of all greenhouse gas emissions resulting from human activities.
- Cricket production uses 90% less land. It takes about 134 square feet to produce 1lb of crickets compared to 1,345 square feet for 1lb of beef. About 30% of the world’s land is used for livestock. This is a concern as our world population expects to reach 10 billion in 2050.
- Nothing goes to waste. Only about 40% of a cow’s weight is consumed as meat, but crickets are ground whole.
- Cricket protein is also more humane. They’re harvested towards the end of their life cycle which is far different than other protein sources.

We have 2 great brands of cricket treats for dogs at Green Dog
Ento Bento grain free cookies smell so delicious, and dogs are loving them! They come in Sweet Potato Cinnamon, Pumpkin Blueberry, and Banana Coconut. Jiminy’s Cricket treats are brand new in our store, and they come in Sweet Potato Apple, Peanut Butter Blueberry, and Pumpkin Peanut Butter. Try Some Today!
From now through Thanksgiving weekend, mention the newsletter to get 15% off of any Cricket protein treat!
Turkey Bone Broth

We love Answers brand Goat's Milk, Cow's Milk Kefir and Fermented Fish Stock, so we're very happy to introduce this new Fermented Turkey Stock! This innovative formula combines two unique foods for a very special form of whole food supplementation. 85% of the formula is bone broth made from organic pastured turkeys. 15% is a Kvass (fermented beverage) made using organic rainbow beets which are grown near the Answers kitchen just for them. Bone broth provides whole food minerals, glucosamine, collagen, and protein, with almost no fat. Fermented beet juice is not only a great source of probiotics, but is also an efficient and biologically friendly way to add plant phytonutrients and antioxidants to your pets diet without adding carbohydrates. From now through Thanksgiving weekend, mention the newsletter to get 15% off of a pint of Turkey Stock!
Christmas Cards!

Don’t miss our new selection of cards, including new lines of Sympathy cards and Christmas cards! We work hard to find fun and beautiful cards that are also in line with our mission - some are made as locally as our own Beaumont Village neighborhood, some are made without chlorine or toxic inks, and some are handmade with recycled paper and benefit good causes. We even have a line of cards made locally that use vintage photos of pets by a local photographer - check out the one of the original Lassie collie at the offices of the Oregonian, taken in 1958! From now through Thanksgiving weekend, mention the newsletter to get 15% off of any single card or box!

Neighborhood News

Sizzle Pie opens in the former home of Atomic Pizza on Sandy Blvd, and will also be serving pizza at the adjacent Hollywood Theater. More here
Popular Southern Popup restaurant Mae to open 2 new restaurants right nearby! More here
The new owners at Bottles have really amped up the fun: Not only does Bottles have one of the most fantastic patios in town and some good BBQ, they’ve created lots of other great reasons to visit. Since they’ve taken over, they’ve created “Miser Mondays” with low-cost beer and food, “Taco Tuesdays” with a free poker night, on Wednesdays they turn the kitchen over to a vegan food pop-up and Thursdays are trivia nights. Weekends they do music and special dinner pairings with local breweries. Don’t miss out!
Dog Massage Class at Green Dog in the New Year! We're Planning some new events for 2018 and we'll start with a fabulous class on therapeutic massage taught by Rubi Sullivan of Heal Dog Massage. It's been too long since we had one of these fabulous classes from Rubi - she's such a good teacher! Our questions for you: are you interested? Would Saturday night be a good night? What other things would you like to learn about? Pet nutrition? A topic addressed by a Holistic Vet? Training Issues? How to make your own diets? First Aid for Pets? Let us know!

See You At Holiday Fest

DEC 1st!
Located in Beaumont Village
4327 NE Fremont Street, Portland, Oregon 97213

Telephone: 503-528-1800

© 2007 - 2015 Green Dog Pet Supply. Green Dog Pet Supply® is a Registered Trademark.
Green Dog Pet Supply, 4327 NE Fremont Street, Portland, Oregon 97213, United States
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