Subject: Happy Earth Day!

Happy Earth Day!
Don't Miss Out on the Raffle! 

If you were designing a t-shirt using artwork representing iconic symbols of the Pacific NW, you might choose an evergreen tree, Mt. Hood, perhaps a beer stein, and almost certainly an orca and a salmon. All of these things (minus the beer) are in need of protection, but none more than our orcas and our salmon. Did you know orcas are not actually whales, but are in fact the largest species of dolphin? They are are the most widely distributed mammals in the world (aside from us and maybe rats) living in every ocean around the world in every sort of climate. Orcas are apex predators, at the top of the food chain. No animals hunt orcas (except for humans).
They are remarkably intelligent, and live in groups called pods, each pod with their own unique culture and vocalizations. Each pod is genetically and behaviorally distinct from other killer whales. Though orcas have the ability to eat a variety of animals, pods all over the world have each specialized on specific prey species. Some eat mammals like sea lions, some even focus on whales larger than themselves (the nickname “killer whale" actually is a derivation of their original nickname, “whale killer”). Some, like our “Southern resident” orcas have specialized on salmon. 
Defenders of Wildlife says, “Due to declines of their primary prey, the endangered chinook salmon, the southern resident population has been decreasing for years. Large dams, like those on the Snake River, and the destruction of salmon habitat have caused salmon stocks throughout the Northwest to either plummet or vanish, leaving orcas with less and less to eat. Today, these orcas are slowly starving to death. We all had our hearts broken a few years ago when a mother orca (Tahlequah) lost her baby due to malnourishment and she carried her body with her for 17 days. On a collision course with extinction, southern residents are also dealing with noise from ship traffic and toxic pollution. Underwater noise from boats disrupt the orcas’ echolocation and pollution from old vessels and stormwater runoff contaminate the salmon that the orcas eat. As the whales eat these polluted salmon, they accumulate toxic chemicals in their bodies, which can make them sick.”  
You can help!!

Each year for Earth Day we hold a raffle, and donate the proceeds to projects that protect wildlife and their habitats in the Pacific NW. We’ll be selling raffle tickets all month! They are $2 each, or you can get 6 for $10. 
Proceeds will go to The Orca Conservancy, a nonprofit run by dedicated volunteers. 

We’re going to have some great prize baskets! When you’re buying tickets, we’ll ask you if you would like a dog or cat basket, but some names will be drawn for neat human prizes as well! Stay tuned to Instagram or Facebook for updates about some of the prizes that will be rolling in. 
For product prizes, we’ll be targeting companies who have sustainable practices, some which are locally owned, some who are making conscious choices in sourcing, some who are certified B-corps (a certification program for companies building in sustainability and ethical practices to every level of their business), or products that for us meet other criteria for “Green” products. So far we have a Free acupuncture session worth $150 from Wild Hearts Wellness, toys from Fluff and Tuff (a few stuffed orcas are of course included!), Toys from Spunky Pup (recycled materials), West Paw (B-corp), treats from Green Juju (local and all ingredients are organic and humanely raised), and cool gear from Ruff Wear! It’s early yet…lots more to come.
(after buying raffle tickets)

Advocate for the removal of the Snake River Dams: 
“About 70 to 80 percent of juvenile salmon mortality occurs within 1 mile of a dam, with the other 20 to 30 percent being spread out over hundreds of miles of river,” says Shari Tarantino, executive director of the northwest nonprofit Orca Conservancy. “Removing the Lower Snake River dams could result in an additional 15 million juvenile Chinook reaching the sea. The restoration of the lost salmon habitat and return of both salmon and steelhead to the Snake River would also fulfill treaty obligations related to tribal fishing rights in the Columbia Basin that have been ignored for decades”. Contact your Representatives supporting this plan.

Watch out for plastic: cutting our use of plastics, recycling plastics that are actually recyclable (Don’t put plastics in the bin that aren’t approved or it could result in big loads of recyclables being thrown away due to contamination) and disposing of plastics responsibly so they don’t wind up in the streams and rivers which then bring plastic to the ocean.

When boating, stay away from marine mammals - give them space.

Be mindful of the seafood you buy. It’s important to buy good seafood from the right sources that are practicing good sustainable methods in the ways they gather their seafood from the ocean. Overfishing is a huge problem not only for the Southern Resident killer whales, but it depletes the nurseries which are vital to sustain the genetic diversity of our wild fish populations. By supporting sustainable seafood brands and taking a few moments to research what you’re eating and providing for your family you are in a better position to purchase sustainable brands before you hit the market.

Make a Rain Garden (great project for kids too!) Rain gardens are bowl-shaped gardens that that collect and absorb stormwater, allowing the soil to naturally filter pollutants out of rainfall. Furthermore, rain gardens play an important role in stormwater attenuation by pooling rain during times of heavy flow to reduce the volume of runoff reaching waterways. Stormwater attenuation can lessen local flooding issues as well as protect salmon habitat in creeks, rivers, and streams from erosion. By installing more rain gardens, we can help to clean stormwater and protect critical salmon habitat, thereby protecting our Southern Resident orcas.
This page for Tacoma students has a great explanation and educational graphic that illustrates how this simple system works

For the last few weeks we've embarked on a "soft open", allowing 2 people in the store at a time for 15 minute visits. We didn't make a big announcement, as we didn't want to get swamped. We still aren't spreading the word very aggressively, as since we decided to start this, the Governor has escalated the risk warning and made recommendations to restaurants, etc to scale back a bit on occupancy. With several immune compromised employees and some degree of difficulty getting vaccine appointments, we reserve the right to reverse course on this decision at any time. These new variants are no joke, and we will be asking those who aren't wearing a proper mask (we've seen people with a piece of decorative lace over their mouths, and masks with exhalation respirators that allow their exhale to escape freely), to put a free paper mask over their mouth and nose or over their mask. For now, we request that if you need items that don't require browsing (ie: "the same things I got last time"), that you still email or call in your order, or ask the employee at the front door to grab it for you to help us lessen our potential exposure. We've seen as many as 87 people inside in a day. Otherwise, if you'd like to come in, we're happy to let you browse!

 It's been fun for us to see people and pets together in the store again, and to achieve another step forward in restoring normalcy. Believe us, we're dying to fling the doors open wide and get back to normal, especially because curbside-only has hit our bottom line so severely, and our desire to see you and visit with you is strong! We promise that if we have to stop for a time, we will be as disappointed as you are. 
$$ off Selected merchandise.

You know we wish we could have a big Earth Day Party and sale! Instead, we decided to put some products on sale to offer you a discount in several useful categories: 

Rain coats:Spring showers should be hitting us soon - lessen the work you have to do to dry off those dogs after a wet walk by using a raincoat! We have two brands of raincoat - Doodlebug duds, made locally (Beaverton), are well priced and are pretty adjustable (great for curly breeds that are suddenly a different size when groomed). They also have big reflective strips. We also carry some coats by Cycle Dogs - cheerful spring colors are waterproof outside and soft inside, but not lined in fleece, so good for dogs that don’t want that insulation. They’re made right in Portland! 
All Rain Coats are 15% off this month!

Beds:We have a nice selection of great USA made dog beds in the store, most stuffed with recycled materials.  From velvety Round beds to upholstered rectangle beds with bolsters, to even a few cooling beds left over from last year. Brand new this week are black, waterproof, puffy bolster beds from Cycle Dog. These beds don't need a washing machine - you can just hose or sponge them down. Fleas can't hide in them, you won't get stains, they won't stink, and they're cushy! Very practical. They're made right downtown by Cycle Dog! We also have a few fleece round beds and domes that kitties would love.
All Beds are 15% off this month!

Necoichi Cardboard Cat Beds/scratcher: These are popular with cats and they're super cute! We have two sizes. 
They're 15% off this month!

Blankets: We have some beautiful blankets from West Paw (a B-corp company) that are great for covering furniture and for creating cosiness. They're 38X66" and 66X73" (Big enough for your bed!) 
All blankets are 15% off this month! 

Crate pads:   Big washable cushy crate pads by Doodlebug Duds (made in Beaverton) are reasonably priced and can be used as a regular bed that’s easy to tote from room to room. We also still have some of the gorgeous washable crate pads (Horizon Chill Pads) by P.L.A.Y. (a B-corp company). All crate pads are 15% off this month!

Trailblazing Tails Leashes and Long Lines: These are one of the best products in the entire store, and we want you to be able to save some money if you’d like to try them. These leashes are made right in the neighborhood by an amazing trainer who wanted to create products that were light enough to create more communication between trainer and dog, yet durable enough to last a lifetime. They’re made from a rubbery odor-proof material called Biothane that feels very much like broken-in leather (and keeps getting softer with age). It’s very grippy, can get wet and muddy and easily rinsed off, and is designed with clever attachments that let you put it around your waist, or cross-body, or change its length, or use it to walk two dogs at once. We also have her 20’ long lines, great for Recall training. All Trailblazing Tails leashes and long lines are 15% off this month! (including any custom lengths or bells and whistles you'd like to add on to them. See your options here and we'll order them for you and apply your discount.

 Just for our newsletter list, here are a few SECRET discounts: 
Toys! Toys! Toys!:Take 10% off of all stuffed and rubber toys when you mention this newsletter!

Green Dog Water Bottles: Made in WA. with recycled materials. Take 15% off when you mention this newsletter!

Speaking of Spring, HERE'S A NOTE FOR SPRING ALLERGIES! This article has good suggestions about food choices for dogs with allergies.

- Earth Animal: Buy their Internal Flea and Tick Powder and get a free non-toxic  flea collar. 

- First Mate:  Any Large Grain Free LID Kibble -Take $5 off!

-Lotus: Dog cans - Buy one get one free! (up to 12 cans!)

- Nulo Limited Ingredient Kibble - Buy one get one free (any size bag)

- Honest Kitchen Dehydrated Food 10# box - Take $10 off! 

- Honest Kitchen Ocean Fish Chews and Cod Crisps - All are $3 off!

You too can have solar power, even if you can't afford to put panels up!
Oregon has a wonderful new program that supports the development of solar energy and also saves you money on your utility bills! We know that about 75% of carbon emissions come from extracting and burning fossil fuels, and that generating clean renewable energy with solar panels is a great way to curb these heat trapping emissions, but very few of us have the money to put solar panels on our houses! The good news is that this program allows us to fill out a quick form and “receive” the energy coming from solar panels that will be constructed in the coming year. You’ll be enabling this project that will provide new solar energy that will go into the grid, directly supporting clean energy. The best thing is that it will reduce your power bill by at least 5%! 

The credit you’re "buying" will be tracked right on your regular bill, and there’s nothing to buy or install. In fact, you won't see "charges" until your solar project is up and running, and then, you'll instead be seeing credits that offset your charges and in fact should show you a savings on your bill of 5% or more.
I'm excited by this plan, as it seems like a win/win No-Brainer! No extra charges, and savings when the project starts producing energy. Whether you rent or own your home or business, you can sign up for this program, and there’s even a program for low income subscribers. If you move locally, your community solar credits and savings move with you! If you move outside of the utility service area, you can transfer your credits to someone else or cancel the subscription. 
We’ve signed up Green Dog of course, and will sign up at home as well. It’s part of our bigger plan to slowly transition to cleaner, more efficient utilities at home that will ultimately save us money. Mike and I are having to replace a water heater soon, and we’re excited to sign up for Community solar and further support clean energy by switching our gas water heater to a cleaner electric heater that will also save us money in the long run and keep our indoor air cleaner too. 
Find out more about community solar here!

The Parks bureau plans post-pandemic return of programs for summer. more here

Dirty Lettuce: Another new restaurant on Fremont! The owner of this former food cart is a self described biology and chemistry nerd with a background in environmental science. He's wants to help the environment by creating vegan dishes that taste truly delicious. He's strongly devoted to making vegan meats that are described as his "crowning glory", creating methodical and meticulously constructed versions of down-home things like barbecue ribs. It will be located next to Bang Bang where the jeweler was. More here

The Arrangement continues their efforts to support the Community Transitional School. The Community Transitional School provides at-risk children with a stable educational environment that promotes their academic and personal growth. These children ages 4-14 live with their homeless or transient families throughout Multnomah County. They are calling out to the public to help them gather supplies, as the program is so poorly funded. Needed are things like hand sanitizer, bleach, antibacterial dish soap, construction paper, snacks like graham crackers and cracker sandwiches (like Ritz), kids sized masks, etc. Contact the Arrangement for a full list. 

Shop Adorn is moving May 1st, location to be revealed soon!  

A PBOT Repaving Project may be a bit disruptive this month. The area of NE Fremont St will be from NE 59th Ave to NE 40th Ave. The project will consist of removing 2" of existing asphalt and replacing with 2" of new asphalt. During the street maintenance project, traffic restrictions will be in place from 5am-5pm. Access will be limited for businesses deliveries (big trucks) but pedestrian access will be available for businesses. During work hours one lane traffic will be flagged and drivers should expect delays. Blarg. 

Located in Beaumont Village
4327 NE Fremont Street, Portland, Oregon 97213

Telephone: 503-528-1800

© 2007 - 2015 Green Dog Pet Supply. Green Dog Pet Supply® is a Registered Trademark.
Green Dog Pet Supply, 4327 NE Fremont Street, Portland, Oregon 97213, United States
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