Subject: Caring For Itchy Pets In Spring

Hello! Just a heads up: When mask mandates are lifted in Portland, we will continue to require them in our store to protect immune-compromised staff and customers. Thank you so much for your support as we try to protect the most vulnerable among us.

Spring Is Pretty But Problematic!

As spring progresses, we of course get some cheerful flowers budding, loads of crows nests to watch (all the birds are of course busy right now)  and we'll be getting some warmer days, but the downside is many dog owners also find themselves with itchy dogs. Seasonal allergies can be really tough for some dogs, fleas are a problem again, and these are just the headliners for this sometimes problematic season. Moisture and warmth can exacerbate existing yeast problems with the skin and ears, and lots of home owners (as well as the Portland parks department) are busy treating their lawns with toxic chemicals that can irritate the skin and damage the gut biome.
Antibiotics, immunosuppressive drugs like prednisone, and other anti- inflammatory drugs can help some symptoms of itching temporarily, but can actually create chronic yeast overgrowth and start a vicious cycle by damaging the lining of the gut and the good flora normally found within it. Without beneficial bacteria and a healthy gut lining, the yeast can take hold and grow out of control quickly. 
Medications like Apoquel for itching also come with a downside, as they are powerful immune-suppressive and have been linked to some cancers. We believe that there are safer ways of managing discomfort without causing unfortunate side effects. We have many many suggestions for what can help! I’ll be highlighting some of them below, but it will be just a taste of some of the great products we have. As I write this, the staff is putting together a whole display table of solutions to offer you. They’ll be primed and ready to offer advice tailored to your pet.
I apologize that I can never seem to write a short newsletter. ;)

Like people, some pets (but not all) are vulnerable to the many changes that occur in the springtime. Pollen is a biggie, and the increased moisture and warmer temperatures can invite molds. These things can cause itchiness of the skin and eyes.
Sometimes simple home remedies can help, by themselves, or after a bath with a soothing shampoo like Molly Murial or Moosh, both made by a really nice folks right here in in Portland. Here are a few of our favorite home remedies for dogs:

Newsletter Special: Mention this newsletter and take 15% off of ONE of the above shampoos before the end of the month!

Vinegar soaks - Diluting raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar (a powerful antibacterial and anti-fungal treatment that helps to soothe the itches) with one cup of vinegar to 2-4 cups water water, soaking their feet in it or pouring it over their body and towel drying it off (don’t put it on any open wounds - it could sting)

All-natural herbal tea soaks-  Chamomile, sage or decaffeinated green tea can be added to either your dog’s bath water or the above-mentioned apple cider vinegar solutions. The teas’ anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties help stop the itching.Prepare the teas as you normally would for drinking, allow them to cool down, then add to the water/vinegar solution. Place your dog’s paws in this remedy for 30 seconds or soak for a bit longer, then towel off the drips and allow to air-dry.

Oatmeal bath: A warm water bath with oatmeal allows the natural oils in the oatmeal to moisturize dry, cracked paw pads and reduce the inflammation that causes the constant itching. When choosing oatmeal go for the unflavored and unsweetened organic variety.
Dissolve a couple of cups of ground oats (you can use the food processor to grind it) into warm water in a bathtub and allow your dog to stand in this solution for 10 minutes or so, and/or pour it over their skin. (You can rinse it off afterwards) Don’t forget to put a drain sieve in your bathtub because you don’t want to block your drain. (or maybe use a kiddie pool on a warm day, or a Mudbuster (see below)


Nettles - Dried nettles are very inexpensive and effective - we’ve had great luck with them! Nettle leaf acts as a natural antihistamine that naturally blocks histamine production, and may be useful in reducing the symptoms of hay fever by acting as an anti-inflammatory. Some research has linked treatment with stinging nettle leaf to relief of symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose, and itchy eyes. It doesn’t taste like much so can be easily hidden in food. (You humans with allergies can steep it and drink as a tea).

Colostrum - Colostrum is an incredible healer! Remember how I mentioned that some people/dogs are vulnerable to environmental allergies and some are not? This can sometimes be related to the quality of their immune system. We have heard amazing stories from users that have been able to get dogs off of medications like apoquil after using colostrum. Allergies are an overactive immune response and the PRPs in colostrum help moderate that response. Colostrum also helps manage inflammation that causes rashes, itching, and discomfort for your dog. It can also help with chronic yeast and the recovery from Giardia. One of the most important things that colostrum can do is to help seal the lining of the gut. I wrote a blog post on it’s amazing powers to heal and support - please check it out. 

Newsletter Special: Mention this newsletter and take 15% off of one container of colostrum before the end of the month!

Goat Milk - I’ve often said that if I had to choose one product to sell in the store, I’d choose the raw cultured goat’s milk in our freezer. Its powers are many: It has every known digestive enzyme, and also contains a fabulous array of important amino acids that are fragile, heat sensitive, and therefore often damaged by the heat processing of dry kibble foods. (This makes it an excellent addition to your daily dry food diet). It’s a perfectly balanced food, which means you could actually feed it by itself to your pets for months and they would be missing out on nothing at all. It’s perfect as a liquid fast to give dogs a digestive rest when they get diarrhea. It’s got wonderful itch-relieving and skin healing powers, as well as repairing the gut lining, which can make them more resilient to allergies to begin with, as the gut lining is where much of their immune system lives. Best yet, It’s delicious and easy to feed! (introduce it slowly to cats to make sure they do well on it digestively, or consider the raw cow's milk kefir which is often better tolerated by cats)

Fish Oil or Mussel Oil-  are excellent supplements that help to reduce inflammation in the body and support the health and healing of the skin from the inside. Our favorites are  Nordic Naturals. and Safe Sea Mussel Oil, but any fish body oil high in Essential Fatty Acids will be beneficial. Keep it in the fridge to protect it from oxidation. 

Newsletter Special: Mention this newsletter and take 15% off of one bottle of Nordic Naturals fish oil OR Four Leaf Rovers Mussel Oil before the end of the month!

What can you do to protect your dogs from the effects of toxic chemicals like herbicides in the parks and yards where they play? Our favorite detox product is a probiotic called “Protect”. Protect is an ideal daily probiotic. It’s perfect for using after a round of antibiotics, and is actually excellent for use DURING a course of antibiotics to protect the gut from antibiotic damage. It’s also useful for intermittent or chronic loose stool. Additional ingredients are excellent for detox to get rid of free radicals and toxins. (It’s also perfect for dogs who eat dirt and poop, and it’s yummy because it’s flavored with blueberry powder, which is a great antioxident. Read More about it here

Newsletter Special: Mention this newsletter and take 15% off of one container of Four Leaf Rovers "Protect" Probiotics before the end of the month!

Friendly Reminder: spring is Giardia season! It’s important to try and prevent dogs from drinking from puddles and slow moving water. Giardia and other diseases that can be transmitted through contact with animal feces are prevalent this time of year (snow and ice is melting, releasing accumulated deposits, and the rain rinses fecal matter down into streams and puddles). We’ve really noticed swampy spots at local dog parks Visit our link for tips on the best ways to treat and support healing after giardia is found.

The humble Flea comb - Your most important tool!
A flea comb is the very best way to identify a flea problem early and nip it in the bud. The tines can catch both fleas and flea dirt, letting you know it''s time to ramp up their defenses. Flea dirt looks like tiny black specks, and you can confirm that it is flea dirt by removing them from the comb with a wet paper towel. They'll soon bleed red on the paper towel, as flea dirt is dried blood. When flea combing, put a small bowl of water next to you and add a drop or two of dish soap (which ruins the surface tension of the water. Pull live fleas off the comb and flick them into the water where they will drown. Plain water won't catch them. 

 Flea Busters - If you have fleas on your pet (even just a few) you have fleas in your home.This product is often overlooked, but I believe it to be one of our most powerful tools to keep fleas from taking over your life, especially if you have a lot of carpets and area rugs. Fleabusters is actually a service that can come out to treat your home and yard, but they also sell their amazing product to stores like ours.

When a flea feeds on your pet, they lay eggs, which fall into your carpets and blankets, etc. In several days the larvae hatch and then spin cocoons. They can live in these for up to five months without food or light. During this time, the larvae turn into adult fleas. When a potential host passes by the cocoon, this adult flea will sense it, emerge from the cocoon, and hop on to their new host, then feed immediately, continuing this cycle. So, it's incredibly important not only to address the fleas that are on your pet, but these fleas that are potentially hiding in your home.

Flea Busters is a nontoxic powder in the Borate family that is finely milled so that when sprinkled into carpets, it becomes electro-statically charged and adheres to the fibers. It stays put for up to a year, even with regular vacuuming! This product kills every stage of the flea lifecycle, and they cannot become immune to its desiccating effects.  It protects your home and pets from infestation all year. It can also be applied to cracks and crevices in wood floors (like the spaces under baseboards).

Newsletter Special: Mention this newsletter and take 15% off of one container of Flea Busters before the end of the month!

Cheristin - A fantastic flea medicine for cats that is much less toxic than other flea treatments. It can be used monthly. I know you'll be asking if there's one for dogs, and the sad fat is that there is not. :(

Newsletter Special: Mention this newsletter and take 15% off of one box of Cheristin before the end of the month!

Repellents - For dogs, we like repellents to prevent fleas and ticks from catching a ride to begin with. You don't have to soak the dog for it to work! We have a variety of brands (with different scents). 

Newsletter Special: Mention this newsletter and take 15% off of one flea repellent before the end of the month!

Internal powders-We have two brands of powdered supplement that help a great deal to repel fleas when added to their food (as well as other health benefits): Earth Animal and Mad about Organics. Mad About Organics is actually used for oral care, but both the company and our customers have mentioned how well it fights fleas.  

Newsletter Special: Mention this newsletter and take 15% off of one internal powder before the end of the month!

Dogs pick up allergens and herbicides, etc on their feet, which can not only irritate the feet but can also be ingested as they lick them. The Mudbuster cleans the feet gently and easily, as a the gentle yet sturdy silicone bristles inside the MudBuster loosen dirt and mud from your dog’s paw.  People find it much easier and better tolerated than using a towel, and the inside parts of the mudbuster is easily removable and dishwasher safe! They may also be a good way to soak a foot with the foot soaks recommended above, and they're also great in the winter to get rid of ice-melting products on the feet.
Newsletter Special: Mention this newsletter and take 15% off of one Mud Buster before the end of the month!
- Canna Pet Cookies:an easy and yummy way to to calm dogs or help pain. All regular flavors (except Max CBD) were $16.99, now $11.99! While supplies last
- Social Pets easy to feed CBD tinctures: in bacon, peanut butter or unflavored were $59.99, now $39.99! While Supplies Last
- First Mate L.I.D. Dog Food: $6 Off Large Bags (except small bites) and $4 off Small or medium bags through the end of the month!
- Green Juju Broth: Yum! and good for skin and gut! $1 off before the end of the month!
- Lotus Dog and Cat Cans: Buy 4, get one free through the end of the month!
- Nature's Logic Dog Food: $10 off any 25# bag through the end of the month!
- Open Farm Dry Food: $10 off large bags of dog food and $10 off large bags of cat food through the end of the month.
- Open Farm: $5 off small bags of dog and cat dry foods through the end of the month.
- Primal Raw: Cat or Dog, $4 off of bags of nuggets, $7 off Patties (some proteins not included)
- Vital Essentials One pound bag Dog Nibs: (Great for training treats and has a frequent buyer program!) Buy 3 get one free!

Grant High School Alum opens Ice Cream shop at NE Fremont and 57th! More here

- In February, Sarah Bibb opened “folly” clothing store in the former home of Gazelle Natural Fibre Clothing at 4100 N.E. Fremont St, where she makes 80% of the clothing she sells. More Here

One Tail at a Time Dog Rescue is asking if you might open your homes, arms, and hearts to help save a life. OTAT says, “Caring for a foster dog requires time, patience, and a sense of humor; which can be a big ask during the effects of... well, everything. We get it. We also know how the rewards and open arms-meets-full-hearts can be a welcomed reprieve from the general heaviness of the world.” 
Learn more about what fostering entails here
Walter Says Thanks For Your Support! 

Just for Fun: Check out Social Media for our "Things That Look Like Walter" series. 
Located in Beaumont Village
4327 NE Fremont Street, Portland, Oregon 97213

Telephone: 503-528-1800

© 2007 - 2015 Green Dog Pet Supply. Green Dog Pet Supply® is a Registered Trademark.
Green Dog Pet Supply, 4327 NE Fremont Street, Portland, Oregon 97213, United States
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