Subject: Special Reader Offer

Special Reader Offer

February 8th, 2023 at 11:11 am BST

View onlineIntroducing NEW Relationship Reports!February 8th 2023 Hi FriendNext month's newsletter will be out as usual on the first Wednesday of the month, and in the meantime I thought we'd visit the fascinating subject of relationships, and give y ...

It's all about relationships Friend! ❤️

February 3rd, 2023 at 11:11 am BST

View onlineIntroducing NEW Relationship Reports!February 3rd 2023 Hi Friend This month, on February 14th, it's Valentine's Day which most of us these days associate with romantic love and marriage. Yet, if we step back a moment, our entire lives invo ...

Soul Astrology - The Evolution of Human Consciousness

February 1st, 2023 at 11:11 am BST

View onlineThe Journey of Your Soul IS Life's Greatest Adventure!February 2023 Hi FriendLast month in Capricorn Season, we explored Soul Astrology - Heaven on Earth. This month we it's time to look at the higher Soul purpose of Aquarius. As the sign ...

2023 Forecast offer is ending NOW Friend

January 14th, 2023 at 11:11 am BST

Read this newsletter online if it doesn't display correctly in your email Life's Greatest Adventure! January 14 2023 Hi Friend, This is just a final courtesy notice to let you know the special offer period ends T ...

...and now, the end is near!

January 13th, 2023 at 11:11 am BST

Read this newsletter online if it doesn't display correctly in your email Life's Greatest Adventure! January 13 2023 Hi Friend, This offer is ending soon so if you want to get a 2023 forecast at the same price as ...

What will unfold in 2023? 🤔

January 11th, 2023 at 11:11 am BST

Read this newsletter online if it doesn't display correctly in your email Life's Greatest Adventure! January 11 2023 Hi Friend, In case you missed my earlier emails I just wanted to let you know that for a limite ...

Did you see this Friend 😃

January 7th, 2023 at 11:11 am BST

Read this newsletter online if it doesn't display correctly in your email Life's Greatest Adventure! January 7 2023 Hi Friend, In case you missed my earlier emails I just wanted to let you know that - for a limit ...

Friend get your personal forecast for 2023

January 4th, 2023 at 11:33 am BST

Read this newsletter online if it doesn't display correctly in your email Life's Greatest Adventure! January 4 2023 Hi Friend, For a limited time only - get a 2023 forecast at the same price as last year - For ...

Soul Astrology - Heaven On Earth

January 4th, 2023 at 11:11 am BST

View onlineThe Journey of Your Soul IS Life's Greatest Adventure!January 2023 Hi FriendLast month in Sagittarius Season, we explored Soul Astrology - Mind and Soul. This month we are in the depths of winter in the Northern Hemisphere and it's Capric ...

Happy New Year Friend ❤️

January 1st, 2023 at 11:11 am BST

Read this newsletter online if it doesn't display correctly in your email Life's Greatest Adventure! January 1st 2023 Hi Friend, May I take this opportunity to wish you a peaceful and enlightening year for 2023. ...

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