Subject: Your Soul Keynote

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Life's Greatest Adventure!
April 1st 2015
Hi Friend,

In Esoteric Astrology by Alice Bailey, the Tibetan Master gives a soul 'keynote' for each sign. It can be helpful to meditate often on the keynote for your Rising Sign.

Some are quite esoteric and their meaning is not immediately apparent. They aren't meant to be figured out intellectually either (which could be misleading), it's not a puzzle! They are best used simply for meditation, then notice what deeper insights arise in you, from your Soul.

This can help to awaken your Soul's resonance, and  support you in aligning with your Soul Purpose in this lifetime. Below are the Soul Keynotes for each of the twelve signs - remember to meditate on the one for your rising sign* (not your Sun sign). I'd also be curious to hear your experience - let me know!

"I come forth and from the plane of mind, I rule."


"I see and when the Eye is opened, all is light."


"I recognize my other self and in the waning of that self, I grow and glow."


"I build a lighted house and therein dwell."


"I am That and That am I."


"I am the Mother and the child.
I, God, I, matter am."


"I choose the way which leads
between the two great lines of force."


"Warrior I am and from the battle
I emerge triumphant."


"I see the goal. I reach that goal
and then I see another."


"Lost am I in light supernal,
yet on that light I turn my back.


"Water of life am I,
poured forth for thirsty humanity."


"I leave the Father's home
and turning back, I save."

That's all for now! Enjoy our meditation and in the meantime...  happy exploring!

Best Wishes,


*If you don't know your Rising Sign you can enter your birth details here and get a free natal chart. Your Rising Sign is your Ascendant (AC or ASc).
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Soul Path Astrologer Ruth Hadikin specializes in supporting you on your own greatest adventure: using Soul Astrology to explore your Soul Path and Life Purpose.
, Life's Greatest Adventure, Inner, HQ, United Kingdom
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