Subject: What will you do differently in 2016?

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Life's Greatest Adventure!
January 6th 2016
Happy New Year Friend,

Well we made it through another holiday season and we're still here.  I still have some mince pies* in the fridge (no I didn't make my own) but when they're gone that's the last of the holiday food until next year.

Another seasonal curiosity in the UK is pulling Christmas crackers which usually have a joke and a puzzle or game of some sort inside. This year my nephew got one of those puzzles where there are two steel rings joined together and you have to figure out how to undo them.

Watching him try, I was itching to have a go myself, which brings me to the topic of this week's newsletter. You see, I've never been much of a spectator. I can only watch for so long before I want to jump in and try myself.

This could be my Moon in Leo (my turn! my turn! my turn!) and it could also be a Neptune in Scorpio thing. The Neptune in Scorpio generation are all about personal experience - in particular intensity of personal experience.

We are not content to read about or watch someone else's experience - we seek our own experiences because it is only our own experience that leads to our personal transformation and spiritual awakening. (Well okay not by doing a puzzle from a Christmas cracker - but that's a start)!

When it comes to our spiritual journey and the evolution of human consciousness it really does boil right down to our own personal experience, not just for people with Neptune in Scorpio, but for each and every one of us.

*a curious British Christmas delicacy!
When it comes to spiritual truth, the only way we really can know for ourselves is through personal experience. But experience itself isn't enough - we also have to be wide awake and alert in that experience.

And in that alertness, we have to be really willing too closely observe ourselves.
We have to be willing to look at why we're doing something. We have to be willing to look closely at our own motivation:

  • What moves us into action?
  • What gets us out of bed in the morning?
  • Why are we doing what we're doing?
  • What are we looking for?
  • What does that tell us about ourselves?
  • Who do we think we are?
  • What do we think about ourselves?

It is only by deeply exploring our own experience that we arrive at the answers to these questions for ourselves.
When we really deeply look at our own motivations and actions in this way then we begin to see just how much we do that is simply habit, based on our own social and familial conditioning.

Our habitual patterns result from our conditioning and keep us from the full expression of our true nature.
These habitual patterns are part of our karma, our personality expression, and as we continue to repeat them, we reinforce the conditioning and keep our karmic patterning firmly in place.

If we really want to wake up, we first have to break free from all these layers of conditioning, and to do that we have to do something different.
We have to be willing to interrupt our own habitual patterns (even if that means doing nothing for awhile until we really know why we were doing them in the first place).

If this interruption brings up feelings such as resistance, frustration, anger or fear, these can be good in the sense that they are showing us what we are attached to (and what needs to change).

The problem with this is that it relies upon us to interrupt our own patterns. This can be problematical for two reasons: first we may not be aware of the patterns in the first place. Second, we don't normally want to interrupt them! We always feel better in our 'comfort zone' and tend to resist anything different!

As part of our ongoing journey of self-exploration with Soul Astrology - using astrological language to describe our energy dynamics is only half the challenge. 
The other half lies in developing an effective process for cultivating self-awareness through self-observation (so we can see our habitual patterns) and then developing the skillful means to change those patterns.

This is where meditation is key. At it's simplest level meditation is simply the art of cultivating awareness through self-observation. There are many forms of meditation, of which 'sitting' is just one form.

Another form of 'meditation' is the process of positive inquiry.
This is an active from of meditation where we use the process of positive inquiry to cultivate greater self-awareness. Through the positive inquiry process we are able to see the repeating cycles of our habitual patterns, and we can see where we may be able to interrupt those patterns to break our 'karmic' cycle.

What is positive inquiry?

Positive inquiry is a simple yet powerful process of self-questioning whereby we challenge our own preconceived ideas, thoughts and habits. If you have ever read "Loving What Is" by Byron Katie you may be familiar with her four classic questions for challenging your own thinking. This is one form of positive inquiry.

Positive Inquiry is a powerful process within which we reveal deep insights to ourselves and can see where we need to make changes.

Become A Player
When we engage in an active process such as positive inquiry, we make a shift from learning about spiritual experiences, to engaging with the process ourselves in a very real, alive, deep and meaningful way. We get off the bench and get into the game. We stop being a spectator and become a player, but we may also benefit from some outside help in addressing the challenge of interrupting our own patterns.

Have you ever wondered why the world's greatest professional sportsmen and women use a coach?
Because of the difference it makes when someone outside of you is in your corner and has got your back:  inspiring you, motivating you, and gently guiding you to explore areas within yourself that you may otherwise have overlooked.

Which is why throughout 2016 I will once again be participating in the positive inquiry process using the REAL Personal Power 365 eCoaching program offered by Anya Sophia Mann*
. I've worked with Anya as my coach before and know first-hand the amazing insights that can be revealed in contemplating some of her exquisitely posited questions! I'm looking forward to discovering new horizons in my own journey of self-exploration, and then communicating my experience in astrological language. Don't sit on the sidelines though ...I encourage you to join me and have your own experience!

If you're ready to break out and set yourself free, then you need to do something different to interrupt your habitual patterns and release yourself from conditioned habits. Now is the time.

 Why not use the energy of this fresh New Year to get off the bench and into the real game of your life? There are Universes to discover... and they can all be found within YOU!

What will YOU be doing differently in 2016?

That's all for now!  See you next week and in the meantime...  anyone fancy a mince pie?

Best Wishes,


Some of you participated in this process during the first 7 days of December. If it resonates I strongly encourage you to join me throughout 2016. There is still time to sign up HERE but hurry... registration closes TOMORROW Jan 7th at midnight EST.
To support you on your journey...
Soul Sign / Life Purpose Written Report
This report gives an overview of your soul's essence and what is wanting to be expressed through the 'lens' of your personality in this lifetime.
What have you come here to do in this life, and how will you do it?  read more
Your Personal Forecast for 2016
How Will 2016 Be For You?

Your personal 12-month forecast for 2016 gives valuable information to support you in navigating your way through the coming year.

A forecast can tell you the 'prevailing wind' so you can be better prepared for any challenges, triumphs, bumps in the road and clear paths! READ MORE

Quantum Alchemy Broadcasts
with Anya Sophia Mann
Every Wednesday I co-host a Quantum Alchemy Broadcast with Anya Sophia Mann featuring a unique blend of breakthrough transformational coaching with callers, AND the latest in science and spirituality impacting how we live and work - join us!
  • live coaching
  • free to register
  • unlimited replays
SIGN UP for details
Relaxation Tutorial
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Solar Return Report
Once a year, around the time of your birthday, the Sun returns to the exact position that it occupied in the heavens, on the day that you were born. In Astrology this event is known as your Solar Return.
A Solar Return report looks at the current conditions surrounding your Sun, which indicate how you will be flowing your energy over the coming year, and major themes that could be getting your attention… read more

Medical Astrology Report
A comprehensive report that brings personal insight and meaning in this fascinating branch of astrology...

"Natural forces within us are the true healers of disease."
- Hippocrates

Each report comes in two parts:

Part One: "An Introduction To Medical Astrology", written by Dr. Charles McWilliams. A valuable foundation into the science of medical astrology.

Part Two: Your personalized medical astrology report: outlines your health predispositions based on your astrology, and gives appropriate remedy recommendations based upon your personal natal chart!
A guide to astrological symbols and glyphs to help you identify everything that might be in a birth chart ... and more! read more
Buy Ruth's eBook:
Soul Science

A succinct yet comprehensive overview of Soul Astrology and why it can be considered a truly holistic science for this forthcoming Soul Age.

What's included:
  • A Spiritual Science For An Evolving Humanity
  • Music and Celestial Harmonics, The Origins of Soul Astrology
  • Soul Astrology As A True Holistic Science
  • Developing The Intuitive Faculty To Access Higher Mind
  • Seven Creative Forces
  • The Importance of Your Rising Sign ... and more!

read more

BUY the book

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Ruth Hadikin, B.Sc. specializes in the science of Soul Astrology, as applied to living our Soul Path and Life Purpose. She is dedicated to supporting people to live from the Soul in 'Life's Greatest Adventure'.
, Life's Greatest Adventure, Inner, HQ, United Kingdom
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