Subject: What The Soul Ruler of The Sixth Says About Your Life Purpose

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Life's Greatest Adventure!
July 6th 2016
Hi Friend,

Last week we looked at how to figure out the Soul Ruler of your sixth house, and we continue this week by taking a brief look at some of the Soul-Centered meanings*.

If you have Aries on the sixth house cusp, Mercury is the Soul ruler and wherever Mercury is in your chart you will be of service by bringing intuitive communication: inspiring others with Divine ideas, creating the space for something to be different, and inspiring and initiating those activities which bridge lower and higher mind (building the antahkarana or 'rainbow bridge').

If you have Taurus on the sixth house cusp, Vulcan is the Soul ruler
and wherever Vulcan is in your chart you will be of service by releasing attachment to form: recognizing that all forms are spirit manifesting in physical matter, and being a catalyst for  transformation by re-shaping your experience, so that physical forms can be of service to your Soul rather than ego.

If you have Gemini on the sixth house cusp, Venus is the Soul ruler
and wherever Venus is in your chart you will be of service by bringing higher love: infusing love-wisdom and a sense of communion into all your relationships, through the interplay of light, and right relationship.

If you have Cancer on the sixth house cusp, Neptune is the Soul ruler
and wherever Neptune is in your chart you will be of service by illuminating compassion: nurturing your self and others through an infusion of empathy, compassion, and higher spiritual love. You bring an inner sense into your work, that we are all one human family.

If you have Leo on the sixth house cusp, the heart of the Sun is the Soul ruler
and wherever the Sun is in your chart you will be of service by radiating heart centered love: you bring deep knowing of heart-centered leadership, and what it means to rest in your heart. You are learning and sharing the language of the heart in all your interactions.

If you have Virgo on the sixth house cusp, the Moon is the Soul ruler
and wherever the Moon is in your chart you will be of service by flowing Divine Love into the world: by bringing in more awareness of the power of Love, and the Divine feminine. You bring a synthesis of Mother and Child energy, that supports a return to wholeness (healing).

If you have Libra on the sixth house cusp, Uranus is the Soul ruler
and wherever Uranus is in your chart you will be of service by bringing greater degrees of harmony: you have an innate sense of the process and techniques of harmonizing, and you balance and harmonize systems through right relationship.

If you have Scorpio on the sixth house cusp, Mars is the Soul ruler
and wherever Mars is in your chart you will be of service through your own personal journey of healing and transformation: you realize the healing power of love and are able to transform base emotions into higher spiritual energy to benefit yourself and others.

If you have Sagittarius on the sixth house cusp, Earth is the Soul ruler
and wherever Earth is in your chart you will be of service by bringing spiritual wisdom into the world: uplifting humanity through the revelation of truth and wisdom, and possibly through a deep connection with the Earth herself, sharing the wisdom of nature and maybe even working with the environment and/or the animal kingdom.

If you have Capricorn on the sixth house cusp, Saturn is the Soul ruler
and wherever Saturn is in your chart you will be of service by putting structures in place to create heaven on Earth: anchoring Divine Love into the world through practical structures, systems and methods.

If you have Aquarius on the sixth house cusp, Jupiter is the Soul ruler
and wherever Jupiter is in your chart you will be of service by flowing love and life: this could be through networking, keeping the 'lifeblood' of a community flowing, or through working on humanitarian projects, keeping the channels clear for the constant flow of love and life to circulate and evolve human consciousness.

If you have Pisces on the sixth house cusp, Pluto is the Soul ruler
and wherever Pluto is in your chart you will be of service by flowing Universal Love: realizing oneness, recognizing the illusory nature of phenomena, and by deeply knowing that all is one, in the nature of love and light.

That's all for now! See you next week and, in the meantime...  happy exploring!

Best Wishes,


*Unfortunately we can only be brief because we do not have the space to take into account the different house positions and aspects for each individual planet. If you'd like to explore this further in your individual chart you are welcome to do so in a personal consultation.
Ruth Hadikin, B.Sc. specializes in the science of Soul Astrology, as applied to living our Soul Path and Life Purpose. She is dedicated to supporting people to live from the Soul in 'Life's Greatest Adventure'.

, Life's Greatest Adventure, Inner, HQ, United Kingdom
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